
Make radio buttons

Hi guys! Sorry for this question, but is it possible to make radio buttons instead of select list from this piece of code? function _nodereview_form_review(&$form, $axis, $node) { static $options; if (!isset($options)) { $options = array( 20 => -2, 40 => -1, 60 => 0, 80 => 1, 100 => 2, ); } $form['reviews'][$axis->aid...

Multilingual settings form radio buttons not showing on Drupal site

I have a Drupal site where the "Multilingual support" options don't show up when editing a content type. I've checked to make sure that the line that adds the options executes (you can see it at ). I also have another copy of the same code on a different server which has the...

'add another item' in non-CCK Drupal forms

CCK for Drupal has the handy feature of allowing a single CCK field to accept multiple values via a "add another item" button that results in an array of data in the node. I'm wondering if there's any easy way of adapting this for a non-CCK form that I'd be calling by drupal_get_form. I'd rather not have to re-invent the wheel with mult...

Drupal: module, cck or other

I have a legacy PHP form that I'm moving over to Drupal 6. I'm trying to make things easy for me as well as the future admins of the site. The below form is the heart of the old site data. So far in cck I have Locations, in taxonomy I have Countries, now I just need to allow these Species data to be added. I would do it in CCK, but I als...

Drupal Dynamic Select on a Form

I'm sure this is an easy one for jQuery experts, but I'm a backend guy, and can't find the best way to do this. I have two arrays in Drupal, one is a list of names of views, and the other is an array that contains a list of displays for each view. Here's the code to populate the two arrays: //load list of views in to array for select...

Custom Drupal Module help

Hello, just started creating my own module. below is my code for the file. in the administrative settings im looking to be able to enter numbers into a series of textfields. ideally this data is represented into a table format, however ive found this process to be very long winded and although it does as i want, i still feel i...

Disable Drupal's textarea expander?

Similar to the question posting form on SO, Drupal adds a draggable expander to the bottom of textareas created through the form api. How can I disable this in a nice manner? ...

Find a list of modules that 'altered' a specific form in Drupal

Is there a trick, addon or patch that allows me to find out what modules altered a specfic form? A list of all hook_form_alters is not too hard to achieve. But I want to list only those that actually changed my form. Modules can alter a form trough a generic modulename_form_alter() and modulename_form_FORMID_alter() it would be nice i...