
Git format-patch to be svn compatable?

Is there any way to get a patch created with git format-patch to be svn compatible so that I can submit it to an svn repo? I'm working off an svn repo on github and want to submit my changes back to the main repo. I need to create a patch to do this, however the patch cannot be applied since git formats that patch differently then svn. ...

format-patch works reasonably well, looking for a better way.

I have two branches that are different enough that rebasing seems to not work -- or I don't know how to do it. I have a "public" branch with a bunch of files removed (using filter-branch). Even though most of the commits match up in terms of deltas, the commit ids are all different. I've tried quite a few methods to pull changes from ...

GIT: How to avoid duplicated commits while maintaining lots of forks?

Hi! I have a base repository with a "base site" that I clone to make my clients sites, so I work, make commits, push to the client fork, then I realize that in the middle of my commits there is one or more that must be merge to the base repository. That's what I did: git format-patch -1 SHA Then I go to the "base site" repository and ...