
c# parse a string that contains conditions , key=value.

I m giving a string that contains several different combination of data. For example : string data = "(age=20&gender=male) or (city=newyork)" string data1 = "(job=engineer&gender=female)" string data2 = "(foo =1 or foo = 2) & (bar =1)" I need to parse this string and create structure out of it and i have to evaluate this to a condi...

How to correctly format text based on currency

Hello, In my application a calculation is performed which display the text to the GUI. The application multiplies a user given amount by a defined number (Say 0.85) to create a total (User types in 2, application works out 2 x 0.85). As the number that is displayed is that of a currency I am trying to correctly format the text to make ...

Formatting html.ep

Is there any tool available to just format (remove whitespace and indent correctly) an *.html.ep file? Its a template file of a perl app. Thanks ...

When using String.Format is there a simple way to add parenthesis around a string value if it is not null or empty.

I am attempting to isolate (for localization purposes) the formatting of some messages. In one of the cases, I have several parameters, some of which may be an empty string. An example is probably called for here.... If the parameters are Parameter one and Parameter two then I want the result to be Some message Parameter one (Parameter ...

Verbally format a number in Python

How do pythonistas print a number as words, like the equivalent of the Common Lisp code: [3]> (format t "~r" 1e25) nine septillion, nine hundred and ninety-nine sextillion, nine hundred and ninety-nine quintillion, seven hundred and seventy-eight quadrillion, one hundred and ninety-six trillion, three hundred and eight billion, three hu...

PHP Function to Indent PHP Code?

I'm looking for a PHP function that will take a string like this: function func() { $testing; $testing; } And turn it into something like this: function func() { $testing; $testing; } Does anyone have any recommendations? ...

Trouble posting HTML as variable in Curl

I am using CURL to post an array. It didn't work without using http_build_query(). I set one of the rows in the array like this: $postVars['key']=' <table style="border-style: solid;" width="850" align="center" bgcolor="#e9e9e9" border="3" bordercolor="#999999" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td colspa...

Customizing the formatting output of .sass?

#foo { color:black; } Is there some sort of option to prefix a newline before the trailing } when a .css file is generated from .sass? I would appreciate it if someone included an example of combining sass --watch style.scss:style.css, which is what I'm using, along with this newline requirement. ...

Retain formatting

Im using a function to return a text file that is tab delimited and read in, the format of the text file is: 1_0 NP_250397 100.00 140 0 0 1 140 1 140 6e-54 198 1_0 NP_250378 60.00 140 0 0 1 140 1 140 6e-54 198 1_0 NP_257777 ...

Iterate a format string over a list

In Lisp, you can have something like this: (setf my-stuff '(1 2 "Foo" 34 42 "Ni" 12 14 "Blue")) (format t "~{~d ~r ~s~%~}" my-stuff) What would be the most Pythonic way to iterate over that same list? The first thing that comes to mind is: mystuff = [1, 2, "Foo", 34, 42, "Ni", 12, 14, "Blue"] for x in xrange(0, len(mystuff)-1, 3): ...

How to Un-format a document in Visual Studio 2008?

So there's a messy XML file where all white spaces between tags have been stripped, so it's a valid XML file but it's somewhat unreadable. I press the magic Ctrl+K, D, and the file is beautifully formatted. I edit it, and then I want to put it back into the compressed, hardly readable state, removing all whitespaces between the tags. H...

WD Scorpio Blue external drive gives input/output error when i try formarting in ubuntu 10.04

hey everyone i/'m to fix a WD Scorpio Blue 320Gig external hard drive on ubuntu. when i insert it into the USB port it/'s undetected however "disk utility" program recognizes it as 320GB USB HDD but not partitioned when i try formating it, i get an input/output error Error creating partition table: helper exited with exit code 1: ...

Convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second

I need to convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second for example : 685 converted to 00:11:25 can you please help me achieve this thanks ...

How to print vertically aligned text

I want to print an output of the following format in a file.. 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Scope 1 1.2 Relevance 1 1.2.1 Advantages 1 Economic ...

Convert and format datetime to String in C#

I have birth dates stored as datetime in SQL Server 2008 like so: 2010-04-25 00:00:00.000 What is the best way, using C#, to convert and format this into a string with a YYYYMMDD format? In the end, all I need is a string like: 20100425 Any help is greatly appreciated! ...

Is there a document markup language that can "do it all"?

I work on a lot of language-based projects, and the larger ones require semi-formal specification documents. In the past, I've used or just plain HTML for these documents, and manually converted them to whatever other formats were needed. For my current project, however, I need to generate output in several formats (HTML, ...

Objective-C: Formatting text in a string object within a plist

Hello - I am a new objective-c/iPhone developer and am wondering if there is any way to apply formatting to text within a string in a plist? I have a plist that is an array of dictionaries. Each dictionary contains a few string objects, some of which I would like to contain lists and paragraphs of information. I am calling these string...

How to preserve formatting for C++ streams?

I have the following code (simplified): ostringstream oss; oss << "Text "; oss << hex << uppercase; oss.width(8); oss.fill('0'); oss << var1 << " "; oss << var2 << " "; oss << dec << nouppercase; oss.width(1); oss << var3 << " another text." << endl; string result = oss.str(); // work with result... Where var1, var2 are unsigned...

I get weird characters when removing line breaks in my aspx files

I wrote a small .NET applications that removes all line breaks in aspx/html/css code to make it harder to read for people trying to steal my design. And surprisingly I get weird characters that appear out of nowhere such as Â, » and others. They all stay at the same places, but I have no clue why they appear. Do you have any ideas on ho...

Generate Excel using php, format cells as string number etc

I am generating an excel file using php. The file gets created how ever strings with leading zeros example 0234 get converted to 234. ...