
Rails Formbuilder Question

I'm working a project that has recurring, weekly events. Thus, I use several DateTime fields in a nontraditional way. What I'm working on is a FormBuilder that creates a field that outputs a select for a weekday, and a select for time. I'm using a twelve-hour plugin I found online, so that works: class ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder ...

content_for Inside Formbuilder

I've got a formbuilder field specifically for doing DateTime using jQuery. What I'd like to do is have the helper able to push content out to my < head > through content_for. Any ideas? Thanks, Stefan ...

Need Advice for ASP.NET Form Builder

Hi All, I would like learn and create customizable registration form , user can edit and build all sorts of forms with different element something like Google Docs online form , i want to learn how to develop simple form like that using .NET technology, can anyone kindly advice me what is the best approach and are there any tutorial ava...

Example of a rails custom formbuilder for a radiobutton list

I am looking for an example of how to create a custom form builder for a radio button list bound to an object that acts_as_tree. I already have the code that displays the radio button list but want to DRY it up by refactoring into a formbuilder. I can't find any examples of a custom form builder for radio button lists. Any pointers/li...

Helper method that encapsulates two form_for blocks

How do you build a helper method that looks like -confirmation_for [@post, @comment] do |f| = f.confirm "Post" %p html here... = f.edit "Edit" and encapsulates two forms like -form_for [@post, @commment] do |f| = f.hidden_field :submission_state, :value => "confirmed" = f.submit "Post" %p html here... -form_for [@post, @...

Trying to extend ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder

Hello I am trying to DRY up some code by moving some logic into the FormBuilder. After reading the documentation about how to select and alternative form builder the logical solution for me seemed to be something like this. In the view <% form_for @event, :builder => TestFormBuilder do |f| %> <%= f.test %> <%= f.submit 'Updat...

Why does Perl's CGI::FormBuilder complain about 'No options specified for select'?

I get this error from my CGI script: [FormBuilder] Warning: metro: No options specified for 'select' field at /home/ecoopr/ line 1407, referer: Can you suggest me what might be the problem? ...

implicit argument passing of super from method defined by define_method() is not supported. Specify all arguments explicitly. (ActionView::TemplateError)

Most of you should already know Pragmatic book's "Agile web dev with rails" (third edition). On page 537 - 541 it has "Custom Form Builders" code as follows: class TaggedBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder # <p> # <label for="product_description">Description</label><br/> # <%= form.text_area 'description' %> #</p> def s...

Howto: Access a second related model in a nested attribute builder block

I have a basic has_many through relationship: class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :bars, :dependent => :destroy has_many :wtfs :through => :bars accepts_nested_attributes_for :bars, :wtfs end On my crud forms I have a builder block for the wtf, but I need the label to come from the bar (an attribute called label for instanc...

How to test custom rails form builders?

What's the best method to test a custom form builder? Is there a test ActiveRecord class/object in Rails' test suite that i could use, or do i have to create my own mock-class? Which AR behavior do i have to 'emulate'? ...

haml formbuilder

I'm converting an old program over to haml and I've got a problem with my custom formbuilder. The problem is simply adding a line feed between a fields label and input tag. Here is the original FormBuilder: # Custom FormBuilder class SuperFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder # Create an array of helpers to override with o...

How do I pass an array to fields_for in Rails?

I want to use fields_for on a subset of records in an association. I have a Month model, which has_many :payments. But in my form in my view I only want to have fields_for some of those payments. For example: - fields_for @month.payments.large This doesn't work. Can I pass a set of records to fields_for, rather than the usual symbo...

RoR 3 - overriding the FormBuilder default f.submit into a button

I have a form, and for layout (and future use), i would like to know how to change the default f.submit that generates a: To a html tag that shouldn't give any errors. What i have now is an extention on the formbuilder In my view: <%= form_for resource, :as => resource_name, :url => session_path(resource_name), :class => "for...

RoR 3 - f.label embeds an <span> tag - howto

How would i do the following. My current code is : <%= f.label :email, html_escape("<span class=\"big\">Test</span>") %> This doesn't shows what i want, because the <span class=\"big\">Test</span> is shown as text instead of HTML. I have been thinking of overriding the FormBuilder, but i don't know how i would do this and sea...

Ruby on rails form input error formatting

The default behavior for a regular rails form that has errors is to 1) list the errors in a div, with the text coming from errors_for and 2) to place a div around the offending inputs with a red border. This question is concerning #2. I'd like to know how rails goes about applying that div with the red border. I'd like to know because...