
forward declaration and template function error

Currently I have a frustrating problem with forward declaration and template function. I have been trying to googling and do some modification but nothing has worked so far. Below is the snippet of the code: class TaskScheduler; --> //forward declaration of ‘struct TaskScheduler’ // // class TaskEvent { // // }; class HostTask { // //...

How do I Forward Declare a Property in C++/CLI?

I have a class in C++/CLI that I'd like to give a property. I want to declare the property in a header file and then implement that property in a .cpp file. Here's the header: public ref class Dude { static property Dude^ instance { Dude^ get(); } } If I declare the header file and don't put anything in the c...

Is there a shorter way to forward declare a class in a namespace?

I can forward declare a function in a namespace by doing this: void myNamespace::doThing(); which is equivalent to: namespace myNamespace { void doThing(); } To forward declare a class in a namespace: namespace myNamespace { class myClass; } Is there a shorter way to do this? I was thinking something along the lines of: cl...

C++ class dependencies

Hi everyone! I'm having some problems with my class because they both depends on each other, to one can't be declared without the other one being declared. class block: GtkEventBox { public: block(board board,guint x,guint y): image("block.png") { this.board = board; this.x = x; this.y =...

Forward typedef declarations, effect on build times, and naming conventions

I am curious about the impact my typedef approach has on my builds. Please consider the following example. #include "SomeClass.h" class Foo { typedef SomeClass SomeOtherName; SomeOtherName* storedPointer; void setStoredPointer(SomeOtherName* s); } void Foo::setStoredPointer(SomeOtherName* s) { storedPointer = s; } ...

Declare but not define inner struct/class - legal C++ or not?

Is following code legal C++ or not? class Foo { class Bar; void HaveADrink(Bar &bar); void PayForDrinks(Bar &bar); public: void VisitABar(int drinks); }; class Foo::Bar { public: int countDrinks; }; void Foo::HaveADrink(Bar &bar) { bar.countDrinks++; } void Foo::PayForDrinks(Bar &bar) { bar.countDrinks = 0; } void ...

Is it possible to forward-declare a function in Python?

I want to sort a list using my own cmp function. For the purpose of this discussion we can use the following example which is equivalent to what I'm trying to do: print "\n".join([str(bla) for bla in sorted(mylist, cmp = cmp_configs)]) However, because of the way I organized my code, I much prefer to put the definition of cmp_configs...

Nested class forward declaration for template inheritance

What's the proper way to inherit from a template class with the template argument being a nested class within the inheriting class? class SomeClass : public TemplateClass<NestedClass> { class NestedClass {}; }; ...

Default template parameters with forward declaration

Is it possible to forward declare a class that uses default arguments without specifying or knowing those arguments? For example, I would like to declare a boost::ptr_list< TYPE > in a Traits class without dragging the entire Boost library into every file that includes the traits. I would like to declare namespace boost { template<class...

can two classes see each other using C++?

So I have a class A, where I want to call some class B functions. So I include "b.h". But, in class B, I want to call a class A function. If I include "a.h", it ends up in an infinite loop, right? What can I do about it? ...

C++: Forward declaration of class doesn't seem to work?

The follwing code is compiled in VC++6. I don't understand why I am getting the compilation error "C2079: 'b' uses undefined class 'B'" for the following code? //Class B Source #include "B.h" void B::SomeFunction() { } //Class B Header #include "A.h" struct A; class B { public: A a; void SomeFunction(); }; /...

Forward declaration and typeid

I would like to check the type of a superclass A against the type of a subclass B (with a method inside the superclass A, so that B will inherit it). Here's what I thought did the trick (that is, the use of forward declaration): #include <iostream> #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; class B; class A { public: int i_; ...

Forward declaring a function that uses enable_if : ambiguous call

I have some trouble forward declaring a function that uses boost::enable_if: the following piece of code gives me a compiler error: // Declaration template <typename T> void foo(T t); // Definition template <typename T> typename boost::enable_if<boost::is_same<T, int> >::type foo(T t) { } int main() { foo(12); return 0; } Wh...

Ambiguous function declaration in Javascript

I am new to Javascript and got confused by how the function declaration works. I made some test on that and got some interesting results: say(); function say() { alert("say"); } The forward-declaration worked and popup "say" On the opposite say(); say = function() { alert("say"); } did not work, although it also declared...

C++ forward class declaration generator

Is there a tool that would go through a list of files and would spit out a header file with forward declarations of classes it encounters? Ideally, I would like to integrate it into Visual C++'s build process. ...

Inheriting from a container with non-virtual destructor

I'm trying to use forward declarations and d-pointers to eliminate some include dependencies. Everything is working well, except that I have used XList typedefs for readability in many places (e.g: typedef QList<X> XList). The workaround for the typedef forward declaration issue is to use inheritance: class XList : public QList<X>{};. ...

How to forward declare a C++ class as inheriting from another class?

I know that I can forward declare a class as follows: class Foo; // ... now I can use Foo* However, can I do something like this: class Bar { public: virtual void someFunc(); }; // ... somehow forward declare Class Foo as : public Bar here someFunc(Foo* foo) { foo -> someFunc(); } class Foo: public Bar { } ? Thanks! ...

In C++, is it possible to forward declare a class as inheriting from another class?

I know that I can do: class Foo; but can I forward declare a class as inheriting form another, like: class Bar {}; class Foo: public Bar; ? Thanks! ...

How does the following foward-declared multi-inheritance pointer converted code work?

In the followint code, how does the pointer conversion & multi-inheritance play together? class Foo { public: virtual void someFunc(); }; class Bar; void someWork(Bar *bar) { ((Foo*) bar)->someFunc(); } class Bar: public Zed, public Foo { ... virtual void someFunc() { ... do something else ... } } Bar bar; int main() { som...

Two classes and inline functions

I have two classes and both of them uses some of the other class, on example: // class1.h class Class1; #include "class2.h" class Class1 { public: static Class2 *C2; ... }; // class2.h class Class2; #include "class1.h" class Class2 { public: static Class1 *C1; ... }; And when I define it like in example above, it works ...