
How does the DropBox Mac client work?

I've been looking at the DropBox Mac client and I'm currently researching implementing a similar interface for a different service. How exactly do they interface with finder like this? I highly doubt these objects represented in the folder are actual documents downloaded on every load? They must dynamically download as they are needed...

how to watch FS for change

I'm doing a project in a course at my university on distributed systems. I'm planning on creating something similar to Dropbox ( getdropbox.com ), but with some sort of non-centralized peer-to-peer twist to it. For this i need some method of detecting change in a directory structure. How do you think Dropbox do this? Their implementation...

NSTableView -setDataSource not working when triggered by FSEvents

So here's what I've got: An NSTableView with an NSMutableArray data source FSEvents monitoring a folder that contains the file that contains the data for the table view (Using SCEvents for Objective-C abstraction goodness) The FSEvents triggers the same function that a reload button in the UI does. This function refreshes the table vi...

How to dectect new or modified files in Mac OSX

In Windows OS, MS provides ReadDirectoryChangesW and FindFirstChangeNotification API to dectect new or modified file, does the Mac OSX provide equal function as well? ...

FSEvents weirdness on OS X Leopard

I want to monitor file-system events for a couple of directories on the mac. The directories I want to monitor might change at runtime, so using FSEvents here's what my app does: creates a global callback function to handle callbacks create a new FSEventStreamRef per folder, associating it with the callback created above and adding a c...

How do I make my program watch for file modification in C++?

There are a lot of programs, Visual Studio for instance, that can detect when an outside program modifies a file and then reload the file if the user wants chooses. Is there a relatively easy way to do this sort of thing in C++ (doesn't necessarily have to be platform independent)? ...

Equivalent of FileSystemWatcher (.NET) in Cocoa

Hai all, I am developing an application in Cocoa. I want to constantly check whether the contents of a file in a particular location is changed or not (like FileSystemWatcher in .NET). Please anyone give me a solution ...

File Watcher in Cocoa

Hai all, I am developing an application in cocoa.I want to constantly check whether the contents of a file in a particular location is changed or not (like FileSystemWatcher in .NET).Please anyone give me a solution.I used FSEvent but it monitors only folder for changes...But I need to know whether a file in that folder is changed or not...

SCEvents doesn't work in some methods??

Hi, [Note: The title may be less than accurate, I didn't know how else to phrase it] For some reason NSFileHandle's readInBackground didn't work so I resorted to SCEvents, a Cocoa wrapper around Mac OS X's FSEvents API. I have a separate class called "EventListener" that handles all the SCEvents stuff. It has these methods: - (void)se...

What's the minimum version of OS X that supports File System Events?

I'd like to use FSEvents aka File System Events to listen to changes to the contents of a folder hierarchy. In my tests, File System Events does a superb job. However I can't find info as to whether it works on Tiger. Anyone know? ...

File-level filesystem change notification in Mac OS X

I want my code to be notified when any file under (either directly or indirectly) a given directory is modified. By "modified", I mead I want my code to be notified whenever a file's contents are altered, it's renamed, or it's deleted; or if a new file is added. For my application, there can be thousands of files. I looked as FSEvents...

How to listen for file system changes MAC - kFSEventStreamCreateFlagWatchRoot

Hi All, I am listening for Directory and disk changes in a COCOA project using FSEvents. I need to get events when a root folder is renamed or deleted. So, I passed kFSEventStreamCreateFlagWatchRoot while creating the FSEventStream.But even if I delete or rename the root folder I am not getting corresponding FSEventStreamEventFlags. Any...

FSEventStream best practice. Single stream watching multiple directories? Or one stream per directory.

Title should be self explanatory. I'm interested in first hand experience, or specific documentation that describes which approach is preferable and why. ...

Python 3.1.1 for OS X FSEvents

Hi all, Am working on file / folder event capturing of OS X 10.5 and 10.6 versions. My application is developed using Python 3.1.1. Donno whether FSEvents are supported by Python 3.1.1. If FSEvents are not supported by Python 3.x, is there any other way to do this using Python 3.x? regards, Kingsley Reuben ...

how to create a watcher using fsevents in mac osx 10.6

I m trying to get file event notifications using fsevents.h file. I m working with Mac OS X 10.6 and XCode 3.1.4 in which i found fsevents.h in four following locations /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/Headers/FSEvents.h /Xcode3.1.4/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk/System/Libra...

How to access fsevents to get the file system events?

Hi All, Though i had read the fsevents article provided by apple developer site, i m having issues in receiving the events. I need some samples to fetch events. Need some samples. Thanks in advance. rgds, herby ...

Javascript/jQuery HasLoaded or equivalent?

I know in jquery it is possible to call the javascript/jquery onload()/load() functions on, for example an image (<img>). However, if in jquery if i use .html(htmlString) to insert an image after the dom has loaded, how can i add a listener to handle the images onload event? Is there a property I can check to see various images and if t...

Obj-C: FSEvent Reports the Same Event Upon Each Launch of the App

I setup a FSEvent that runs well but it keeps reporting the same event each time I launch the app. Ex: My FSEvent monitor directory is: Test/ ...and there are three files: test1, test2, test3 However, after I deleted test1 in my FSEvent Directory, it keeps telling me that test1 has been deleted every time I run the program inst...

FSEvents Modification Dates

I am aware that you can track when the contents of a folder have been modified while your application is not open on OS X with FSEvents, but it is difficult checking the modification date of every file in the directory when the application launches. Is there a way to change FSEvents or is there another mechanism to tell what files have b...

Question about multiple callbacks occurring at the same time

I have a thread watching for file system events on Mac OS X. If I copy 100 files into a folder that is being watched, I obviously get multiple file system events, and therefore multiple callback calls. I'm wondering if these callback calls are processed one after another? Or does each event invoke an OS thread, which in turn calls the ca...