
Python ftplib can't get size of file before download?

I'm using ftplib to transfer files. Everything is working great. Now I'm trying to get the size of the target file before downloading. First, I tried just getting size with ftp.size(filename). Server complained that I can't do that in ascii mode. Then I tried setting binary mode using ftp.sendcmd("binary") and ftp.sendcmd("bin"). I...

How can I specify the client's data port for a ftp server in active mode?

I use python ftplib to connect to a ftp server which is running on active mode; That means the server will connect my client machine on a random port when data is sent between us. Considering security issue, Can I specify the client's data port (or port range) and let the server connect the certain port? Many Thanks for your response....

Python ftplib timing out

I'm trying to use ftplib to get a file listing and download any new files since my last check. The code I'm trying to run so far is: #!/usr/bin/env python from ftplib import FTP import sys host = 'ftp.***.com' user = '***' passwd = '***' try: ftp = FTP(host) ftp.login(user, passwd) except: print 'Error connecting to FTP se...

Why is a success message considered an error in ftplib

import ftplib server = '' user = 'bob' password = 'likes_sandwiches' box = ftplib.FTP(server) box.login(user, password) s = box.mkd('\\a\\this4\\') box.close() x = raw_input('done, eat sandwiches now') This returns: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\scripts\ftp_test.py", line 25, in s = box.mkd('\E\thi...

How to search for most recent excel files in remore directories in PYTHON?

This is the code that lists all the subdirectories from FTP server. How do I search for the most recent Excel files sitting in these multiple Subdirectories directory? As shown in the results, I want to go through all the ls**** subdirectories and notify me if there is an Excel file with today's date. Thanks in advance! from ftplib i...

How to use FTPlib in python

i'm writing an application that is supposed to upload a file to an FTP server. Here's the code: try: f = open(filename,"rb") except: print "error 0" try: ftp = FTP(str(self.ConfigUri)) print "CONNECTED!" except: print "CANNOT CONNECT" try: ftp = FTP(str(self.ConfigUri)...

Does ftplib work in py2app?

Hi. I have a Python application that backs up to an afp server. I also need to get some information from an ftp server. When I just run my Python script from Terminal, it works just fine. But then if I compile it into an application using py2app, it gives me an error. py2app doesn't really say what the error is. If I comment out the lin...