
Prevent ftplib from Downloading a File in Progress?

We have a ftp system setup to monitor/download from remote ftp servers that are not under our control. The script connects to the remote ftp, and grabs the file names of files on the server, we then check to see if its something that has already been downloaded. If it hasn't been downloaded then we download the file and add it to the lis...

Is there a special trick to downloading a zip file and writing it to disk with Python?

I am FTPing a zip file from a remote FTP site using Python's ftplib. I then attempt to write it to disk. The file write works, however most attempts to open the zip using WinZip or WinRar fail; both apps claim the file is corrupted. Oddly however, when right clicking and attempting to extract the file using WinRar, the file will extract....

Partial Upload With storbinary in python

I've written some python code to download an image using urllib.urlopen().read() and then upload it to an FTP site using ftplib.FTP().storbinary() but I'm having a problem. Sometimes the image file is only partially uploaded, so I get images with the bottom 20% or so cut off. I've checked the locally downloaded version and I have...

writing to a file via FTP in python

So i've followed the docs on this page: http://docs.python.org/library/ftplib.html#ftplib.FTP.retrbinary And maybe i'm confused just as to what 'retrbinary' does...i'm thinking it retrives a binary file and from there i can open it and write out to that file. here's the line that is giving me problems... ftp.retrbinary('RETR temp.txt'...

ftplib checking if a file is a folder?

How can i check if a file on a remote ftp is a folder or not using ftplib? Best way i have right now is to do a nlst, and iterate through calling size on each of the files, if the file errors out then it is a folder? Is there a better way? I cannot parse the output of list, since there is about a dozen different ftp servers(many extrem...

Python Libraries for FTP Upload/Download?

Okay so a bit of forward: We have a service/daemon written in python that monitors remote ftp sites. These sites are not under our command, some of them we do NOT have del/rename/write access, some also are running extremely old ftp software. Such that certain commands do not work. There is no standardization among any of these ftp's, a...

Python ftplib - uploading multiple files?

I've googled but I could only find how to upload one file... and I'm trying to upload all files from local directory to remote ftp directory. Any ideas how to achieve this? ...

proxies in python ftp application

I'm developing ftp client in python ftplib. How do i add proxies support to it (most ftp apps i seen seem to have it)? I'm especially thinking about socks proxies, but also other types... ftp, http (is it even possible to use http proxies with ftp program?) Any ideas how to do it? ...

Help in the following code

def startConnection(self): from ftplib import FTP self.ftp = FTP(self.loginServer) print 'Loging In' print self.ftp.login(self.username, self.password) data = [] self.ftp.dir(data.append) for line in data: try: self.date_str = ' '.join(line.split()[5:8]) newDate = time.strptime(self.date_str,'%b %d %H:%M') print newDate...

How to transfer a file between two FTP servers?

Hey guys, I have two ftp servers with fxp enabled on both, I'm just wondering how I would transfer a file between the two servers in Python? I was told curl wouldnt do it, but maybe ftplib will do. so, the file (file.txt) is in '/personal/' FTP1 and I want to transfer that to FTP2 also to the same place, '/personal/' Any ideas on how ...

sftp using ftplib

Hi All I need to download a file from a host using sFTP. Do you know if is it possible to do that using python ftplib? I saw an example here, but when I try to connect I receive EOFError. I tried this code: import ftplib ftp = ftplib.FTP() ftp.connect( "", "22" ) This method returns with an error after long time so I cannot p...

Python’s ftplib STOR reliable?

I'm using this code to upload myfile.txt from my windows machine to a ftp server. after the upoad the script deletes the file on my local machine (I'm not deleting it on the ftp). try: ftp = FTP(ftp.host.com) ftp.login(your_username, your_password) file = open(myfile.txt, "rb") ftp.storbinary('STOR myfile.txt', file) ...

IOError opening an existing file with Python

Running the following code: import os import datetime import ftplib currdate = datetime.datetime.now() formatdate = currdate.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H%M") def log(): fqn = os.uname()[1] ext_ip = urllib2.urlopen('http://whatismyip.org').read() log = open ('/Users/admin/Documents/locatelog.txt','w') log.write(str("Asset: %s...

Using ftplib for multithread uploads

I'm trying to do multithread uploads, but get errors. I guessed that maybe it's impossible to use multithreads with ftplib? Here comes my code: class myThread (threading.Thread): def __init__(self, threadID, src, counter, image_name): self.threadID = threadID self.src = src self.counter = counter ...

Downloading a Directory Tree with FTPLIB

This will not download the contents of sub-directories; how can I do so? import ftplib import configparser import os directories = [] def add_directory(line): if line.startswith('d'): bits = line.split() dirname = bits[8] directories.append(dirname) def makeDir(archiveTo): for dir in directories: newDir = os.path.join(archi...

How to catch FTP errors? e.g., socket.error: [Errno 10060]

I'm using the ftplib module to upload files: files = [ a.txt , b.txt , c.txt ] s = ftplib.FTP(ftp_server , ftp_user , ftp_pw) # Connect to FTP for i in range(len(files)): f = open(files[i], 'rb') stor = 'stor ' + files[i] s.storbinary(stor, f) f.close() # close file s.quit...

How to upload binary file with ftplib in Python?

My python2 script uploads files nicely using this method but python3 is presenting problems and I'm stuck as to where to go next (googling hasn't helped). from ftplib import FTP ftp = FTP(ftp_host, ftp_user, ftp_pass) ftp.storbinary('STOR myfile.txt', open('myfile.txt')) The error I get is Traceback (most recent call last): File "/...

I need Help on FTP using Java

i need the source code of an application that can upload and download automatically from the remote computer (FTP) using java language. thanks ...

Python ftplib - any way to shut it up?

I am writing a test harness in python and as part of the testing I need to initialise an FTP server and upload various files. I am using ftplib and everything is working ok. The only problem I have is that I am seeing loads of FTP text appearing in the console window intermixed with my test results, which makes scanning the results quite...

FTP and python question

Can someone help me. Why it is not working import ftplib import os def readList(request): machine=[] login=[] password=[] for line in open("netrc"): #read netrc file old=line.strip() line=line.strip().split() if old.startswith("machine"): machine.append(line[-1]) ...