
2 or more months view or even a year view in FullCalendar?

Is there any way to set up fullcalendar to display a given number of months, or even a full year? ...

Jquery full calendar with events from sql database

Hi, Can anyone give sample code in which there is interaction of jquery fullcalendar with the database ...

Timezone problems?

My calendar works properly on servers in PST but on the production server (EST) all events seem to end one day early. I am not sure if it is a timezone problem because even with the 3 hour difference the events should be display on the proper date. Has anyone else encountered this issue? ...

fullCalendar not rendering new events dynamically

I have the following code in a page on which I am using fullCalendar. I am able to add events in my page, however the calendar does not display this dynamically. I have to move to another month (and then back to the current month), before the dates I added are displayed. Is there a way to dynamically refresh/render the calendar as dates...

fullcalendar with rails - limit results to a range

I've got fullcalendar working with a small rails app (yeah) but it's sluggish because the find in my controller is finding ALL the records before it renders the calendar. I'm using a JSON approach. The field names I'm using are starts_at and ends_at. This (in the index method of the assignments_controller) works: @assignments = Assignme...

Changing eventClick to occur only on double click in jquery FullCalendar plugin

Is it possible for the eventClick to happen on a double click rather than a single click? I know of ways in which I can do this but is there an elegant way of doing this using this plugin without changing the core? Thanks Steve ...

FullCalendar events from asp.net ASHX page not displaying

Hi I have been trying to add some events to the fullCalendar using a call to a ASHX page using the following code. Page script: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'month, agendaWee...

How can I override defaults in jQuery Fullcalendar

I use Fullcalendar on my site, but I need all text in different language. There is piece of code in that plugin: // function for adding/overriding defaults var setDefaults = fc.setDefaults = function(d) { $.extend(true, defaults, d); }; But I have no ideas how I can use it. Please, I need help. ...

Provide public access to default plugin settings?

I must set timeFormat, axisFormat (HH:mm) called from within a 'ready' block! I read a atricle from http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/10/a-plugin-development-pattern. And maybe I'm wrong, but I think the only way to set parameters for fullcalendar is to pass it by 'constructor' - I mean: jQuery('#calendar').fullCalendar({ eve...

fullcalendar events from REST-ful php server.

I've written a very simple RESTful php server (my first experiment with REST, so feel free to make suggestions) to respond to the fullcalendar events callback. It produces exactly the same string output as the json-events.php file in the fullcalendar json example, but for some reason fullcalendar will not accept my server's output. I...

Displaying Google Calendar event data on FullCalendar

I am using Google Calendar as a storage engine for a calendar system I am building, however, I am using a single Google user account with multiple calendars, i.e. each user on my system has their own calendar within the one user account. I'm able to create a calendar per user just fine, but I would like to have FullCalendar retrieve the...

Display of full calendar

Hi, How can I change the display of full calendar where by time appears horizontally at the top and events displayed vertically. Prompt response would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, ...

Add Facebox To FullCalendar Events

I have been trying to make the FullCalendar events use Facebox to pop up with information when they are clicked. I have no problem putting the events on the calendar or getting the information that needs to be displayed it is just getting the pop up box to work. I have tried adding rel="facebox" to both the "span" and the "a" that wraps...

Having trouble plugging jQuery FullCalendar into Squarespace page

When I test the fullcalendar widget locally, it works fine. However, when I try to integrate it with Squarespace, it doesn't show up. Here is what is in my head tag: <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='storage/scripts/fullcalendar.css' /> <script type='text/javascript' src='storage/scripts/jquery.js'></script> <script type='t...

FullCalendar and events: function

I am trying to display my events from a MySQL database. I'm using the events function. My XML file being returned is pretty basic. I've looked at all of the FullCalendar questions and most of them talk about JSON and point to the documentation for JSON. I can't use JSON. I have to go XML. Can you tell me where I'm off. Here is a sample ...

fullCalendar className to multiple eventSources

I am trying to setup my fullCalendar event sources. instead of pulling all of my events through 1 source, I would like to use multiple sources (ie: google, and local json) Here is what I have so far (In short): eventSources: [ //CA HOLIDAYS $.fullCalendar.gcalFeed('http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/en.canadian%23holiday%40group.v....

Specifying multiple, different sources for jQuery FullCalendar

So I want to be able to specify multiple different sources for my FullCalendar implementation, I've got a number of Google Calendar feeds I want in my calendar but also a number of local feeds, all of which use the JSON datatype. I figured I could mix the sources like this: eventSources: [ $.fullCalendar.gcalFeed('http://www.googl...

Adding content to fullcalendar event

I have a problem with adding content to the event. I need a list of a few things in the body of the event (for each new line.) Is it even possible? Another problem is that it doesn't show me at the top - end of the event, despite it's defined ... I'm querying events from database and final result looks like this: [{"id":305,"start":"2...

Problem removing event sources from FullCalendar (jQuery)

Right then, I'm using FullCalendar to display events from multiple sources, some local JSON feeds, others from Google Calendar. I've implemented a feature whereby a single calendar can be displayed / hidden when it's checkbox is true or false respectively. I'm using this code to achive it: $('#calendar_list input','#sidebar').live('cli...

How can the browser remember the selected view of week, month ,day

Hi all, I use fullcalendar and set header right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' I did not set the default view. When I refresh the page everytime the month view display. How can I select the agendaDay view and refresh the page then the agendaDay view remains? Thanks. ...