
jQuery fullCalendar and qTip

I'm looking at using fullCalendar and using qTip to display a description using eventMouseover. Has anyone managed to do this or know of a solution? I've google'd and also tried implementing this post but i've had no joy. The only time I got it to work it got into a loop and crashed my browser. Any advice / support would be greatly ap...

fullcalendar. If I hide month view and navigate to previous month, how could I rerender events to their perfect place

Hi, I have another self-defined agenda view. If the user clicks on button agenda, then, original view will be hidden. When the user navigate month, I have ajax call to get event data. On normal view, events are showing perfect. After I hide the normal view and use my agenda view, when the user wants to go back to normal month view, all e...

fullcalendar dayClick and selectable conflict.

An issue i faced while using the select was: When I click on the date in the month view, the function as specified in the select: function(start, end, allDay) {etc code i want to run here } is immediately fired before changing the view. I am trying to achieve the following: 1) User clicks on a date on the month view 2) user gets sent to...

Full Calendar.js Cannot Initiate

Sorry but I can't seem to get my special-kid helmet off today. I'm attempting to use Full Calendar http://cl.ly/1UCt ... I've verified that there are no relevant javascript errors, all of the scripts are being called properly, I have a #calendar div, yet I'm getting no results or output on the page. Using this within WordPress, here ...

Fullcalendar Add Event

Hey, I need to switch from jquery weekcalendar to fullcalendar and I am having troubles with understanding of adding new events. In weekcalendar its easy, I trigger the addEvent functions, open the dialog box and there I have my form and save everything ok with ajax. I also have a selectbox where are all times from the settings of first ...

events not related to current month

Hi, I'm having an issue here and wanted to know if anyone have any idea of how to accomplish this. The best example is here http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/ if you look at the calendar, notice the last event "4p Repeating Event" lands on "Friday, July 2nd" but shows in June. Is there a way to get rid of this for June? Is there anyone tha...

Can't save/display added events in FullCalendar

I am using FullCalendar in the selectable mode. I can add new events via the webbrowser, but after reloading the site, the added events disappear. The FullCalendar is on a PHP5-Server but the added events could not displayed or saved. What can i do? ...

event className not working

I am using fullcalendar from arshaw.com/fullcalendar for displaying events on a corporate intranet calendar. I had the className attribute working, made a couple changes to some code and now cannot figure out why it's not working. Here is the json that is returned from my service [ { "allDay":true, "className":"corp...

Fullcalendar Displaying the end time of an event

Hi, how do i display the end time of an even in fullcalendar? My event is triggered right, but there is no end time displayed This is an example event. Did i miss something? title:'WM 2010 - 03.06.2010 - 00:00', description: 'Bei uns ist jeden Tag WM Party', start: new Date(2010, 5, 3, 00, 5), end: new Date(2010, 6, 3, 23, 6), allDa...

Show specific events every year

I want to show some events every year. E.g Like birhday, holiaday. which come every year on a specifc date Thanks ...

making title, start, end invisible

Hi I was just wondering if there's a way to make the "title, start, end" invisible on the calendar for an event. Reason so is I would like to implement the qtip to show these information when they hover over the event. I'm using the most updated version of fullcalendar which is from this file: "fullcalendar-1.4.6.zip" with C# as serversi...

highlight cell based on events

Is there a way to highlight the cells based on the events? For example, an event for July 5th to July 9th, I would like the cell to be highlighted. ...

How to drag an event from FullCalendar back to external list.

Hi, In FullCalendar I can drag-and-drop an event from an external list into the calendar. But I also need the reverse. So could anyone please let me know hwat are the steps to implement the drag-and-drop of a FullCalendar event from the calendar back to the external events list? Thanks. Shen. ...

fullcalendar, how to call month method?

Hello, I'm using fullcalendar. And i want to change my calendar, so the default month is June (the initial month for loading), I believe this is what I need: http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/current_date/month/ The problem is, I'm not very good at .js... and the explanation isn't very clear. This is what i tried: <script type='te...

events as JSON feed, but passing extra parameters?

in the example code we're able to get events from a JSON feed by passing a URL. $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ events: "/myfeed.php" }); fullCalendar will visit a link like this: /myfeed.php?start=1262332800&end=1265011200&_=1263178646 Can I pass extra parameters to myfeed.php url? for example if I wanted to restrict events t...

fullcalendar consume via RSS feed

Any sample RSS feeds to use with http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/? ...

Programmatically check to see if calendar has been rendered.

This should be simple, but I'm stupid so... I want to do a simple conditional statement to see if the calendar has already been rendered within a div. Something like this: if ( $('#calendar').fullCalendar() ) { alert("calendar exists!!"); } I want to do this so that I can remove, then re-init the calendar programatically. Basicall...

Cross domain JSON feed for jQuery FullCalendar plugin

I'm using PHP to pull the events from a FullCalendar as a JSON feed but I need to support multiple domains. I need a querystring variable to specify which calendar to pull events from... is this causing a problem? Here's the FullCalendar init code: $('#full-calendar".$id."').fullCalendar({ editable: false, events:'http://www.myd...

Jquery FullCalendar linked to GCal with modal popup

Okay... I am still fairly new to using jquery and javascripting. I have successfully implemented the Jquery FullCalendar on my site and linked it to GCal events. Is there any way I can have the events, when clicked, to popup in a Modal Window? ie. just like how the embedded calendar that google provides. My code: $(document).ready(fu...

Integrating jQuery Fullcalendar with a jQuery gannt chart

Hello, I am using jQuery fullcalendar and I am loving its fantastic feature set that is growing by the month. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I could integrate a jQuery Gannt chart with jquery fullcalendar I have found a few projects that look promising http://www.maro-z.com/examples/jquery.gantt/ http://code.google.co...