
Does this line declare a function? C++

Hi all, I was reading litb's question about SFINAE here and I was wondering exactly what his code is declaring. A simpler (without the templates) example is below: int (&a())[2]; What exactly is that declaring? What is the role of the &? To add to my confusion, if I declare the following instead int b()[2]; I get an error about dec...

JavaScript function declaration

Are the JavaScript code snippets given below some sort of function declaration? If not can someone please give an overview of what they are? some_func = function(value) { // some code here } and show:function(value){ // some code here } ...

Why include header in the method definition file?

Hi say you have a source file named sum.c that looks like this: #include "sum.h" int sum(int x, int y) { return x+y; } What's the point of including method's header in it's own definition file? Aren't you supposed to include it only in source files that call the sum function? ...

How to provide explicit type declarations for functions when using GHCi?

How to I define the equivalent of this function (taken from learnyouahaskell) inside GHCi? import Data.List numUniques :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Int numUniques = length . nub Without the type declaration, GHCi accepts the function definition, but it ends up with an unhelpful type: Prelude Data.List> import Data.List Prelude Data.Li...

c++: explain this function declaration

class PageNavigator { public: // Opens a URL with the given disposition. The transition specifies how this // navigation should be recorded in the history system (for example, typed). virtual void OpenURL(const GURL& url, const GURL& referrer, WindowOpenDisposition disposition, PageTr...

In Javascript, what is the motivation or advantage of using var foo = function foo(i) { ... } ?

I see that in the answer of which is doing something like var foo = function foo(param) { ... } in that particular case, why do that instead of just using function foo(param) { ... } ? What is the advan...

Why is lambda instead of function defintion shorthand considered good style in scheme?

In scheme, why is this: (define foo (lambda (x) 42)) considered better style than this: (define (foo x) 42) And is there any reason to favour one over the other? ...

Is it possible to define more than one function per file in MATLAB?

When I was studying for my undergraduate degree in EE, MATLAB required each function to be defined in its own file, even if it was a one-liner. I'm studying for a graduate degree now, and I have to write a project in MATLAB. Is this still a requirement for newer versions of MATLAB? If it is possible to put more than one function in a f...

Can someone explain the following strange function declarations?

std::thread f() { void some_function(); // <- here return std::thread(some_function); } std::thread g() { void some_other_function(int); // <- here std::thread t(some_other_function,42); return t; } ...

JavaScript function declaration and evaluation order

Why does the first one of these examples not work, but all the other ones do? // 1 - does not work (function() { setTimeout(someFunction1, 10); var someFunction1 = function() { alert('here1'); }; })(); // 2 (function() { setTimeout(someFunction2, 10); function someFunction2() { alert('here2'); } })(); // 3 (function() { setTimeout(fun...

Python - Function has a list as argument. How to return another list without changing the first?

I'm pretty new in Python (and programming as a whole). I'm pretty sure the answer to this is obvious, but I really don't know what to do. def do_play(value, slot, board): temp=board (i,j) = slot temp[i][j] = value return temp board is a list of lists. value is an integer. slot is and integer tuple. What I am trying to...

getting 'undeclared identifier' error

Following the tutorial at , I have declared the function ActivateTabDialogs() in my header file and called it inside another function in my class. The compiler gives error C2065: 'ActivateTabDialogs' : undeclared identifier, at the line ActivateTabDialogs(); inside the definition...