
Overridden function pointer problem at template base class C++

hi, I implemented a template base class for observer pattern, template<class T> class ActionListener { public: ActionListener(void); virtual ~ActionListener(void); void registerListener(T* listener); void unregisterListener(T* listener); template<typename Signal> void emit(Signal signal); templa...

Calling C++ class methods via a function pointer

How do I obtain a function pointer for a class member function, and later call that member function with a specific object? I’d like to write: class Dog : Animal { Dog (); void bark (); } … Dog* pDog = new Dog (); BarkFunction pBark = &Dog::bark; (*pBark) (pDog); … Also, if possible, I’d like to invoke the constructor via a ...

C: Passing a function pointer in a function it is passed to

I'm trying to write a mapping function that takes a function pointer, and passes it to another function, but gcc is yelling at me. Here is an idea of what I'm trying to do. void map(T thing, void apply(int a, int b, void *cl), void *cl); void function(T thing, void apply(int a, int b, void *cl), void * cl) { for(int i = 0; i < 10;...

Can I declare a function that can take pointer to itself as an argument?

Reading a question in stackoverflow, I wondered whether it's possible to declare a function that takes a pointer to itself. I.e. to make such declaration of foo, for which the following would be correct: foo(foo); The simpliest idea is casting to another function pointer (can't cast to void*, since it may be smaller), so the function...

Map of delegates in Java

Hello. I am trying to do a very simple command line library for interactive Java programs. You start the Java program and it prompts you for commands. The syntax is: > action [object_1, [object_2, [... object_n] ... ]] for example: > addUser name "John Doe" age 42 Here action = "addUser", object_1 = "name", object_2 = "John Doe", ...

How to compare two pointers to object by their most derived type?

I have a following class hierarchy: class Base{ .... virtual bool equal(Base *); } class Derived1: public Base{ .... virtual bool equal(Base *); } class Derived2: public Derived1{ } class Derived3: public Derived1{ } class Derived4: public Base{ } How I should write Base::equal(Base *) function such that compares Derived4 and similar...

C++ function pointer as a static member

I cannot figure the syntax to declare a function pointer as a static member. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { static void (*cb)(int a, char c); }; void A::*cb = NULL; int main() { } g++ outputs the error "cannot declare pointer to `void' member". I assume I need to do something with parentheses but void A::(*...

How to call a function from binary data

I have some binary data which contains a bunch of functions and want to call one of it. I know the signature of these functions along with the offset relative to the start of the file. Calling convention is the default one: __cdecl. The file was already loaded into a memory page with executing permissions. For example (A, B, C being som...

Cast between function pointers

Hello, I am currently implementing a timer/callback system using Don Clugston's fastdelegates. (see Here is the starting code: struct TimerContext { }; void free_func( TimerContext* ) { } struct Foo { void member_func( TimerContext* ) { } }; Foo f; MulticastDelegate< ...

Understanding typedefs for function pointers in C: Examples, hints and tips, please.

I have always been a bit stumped when I read other peoples' code which had typedefs for pointers to functions with arguments. I recall that it took me a while to get around to such a definition while trying to understand a numerical algorithm written in C a while ago. So, could you share your tips and thoughts on how to write good typede...

How to pass a function pointer to a function with variable arguments?

I don't know how to accomplish this! how to get the function pointer in va_list arguments? thanks so much. ...

Is it possible to infer that a ParameterInfo object refers to a function pointer containing managed parameter types?

I'm using reflection to examine the following method declaration and am wondering if it is possible to determine that the method's sole parameter is a function pointer. public ref class T { public: void foo(Int32 (*)(String^, array<TimeSpan>^)) { } }; When inspecting the ParameterInfo object for foo's parameter, it shows that the ...

Why warning in C and can't compile in C++?

Why does this code int (*g)(int); int (*h)(char); h = g; In C, give me such warning when compiling: 'warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type' In C++, can't be able to compile. ...

Passing an array of arbitrary struct pointers to a C function?

I want to pass an array of arbitrary struct pointers and a comparison function to a generic sorting algorithm. Is this possible in C? The goooeys of the structs would only be accessed within the comparison function, the sorting function would only need to call the comparison function and swap pointers, but I can't figure out how to decl...

Is There C Syntax For Function Pointer From Function Declaration

Instead of declaring a function pointer typedef for a function, is it possible to get it from the function declaration? Typically, int foo(int x); typedef int (*fooFunc)(int); fooFunc aFunc; What I want: int foo(int x); foo* aFunc; I want to use it for dlsym: foo* aFunc; aFunc = dlsym(lib, "foo"); aFunc(x); If I update foo and ...

c++: what exactly does &rand do?

This is an excerpt of some c++ code, that i'll have to explain in detail in some days: std::vector<int> vct(8, 5); std::generate(vct.begin(), vct.end(), &rand); std::copy(vct.rbegin(), vct.rend(), std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, "\n")); i think i understand everything about it, except that tiny mystical &rand. what exactly...

Can you explain the following C/C++ statement?

void (*func)(int(*[ ])()); ...

Iterate over functions

Is something like this possible to do in Java? for (Object o : objects) { for (Function f : functions) { f(o); } } I'm only calling a handful of functions, but I need to compose them, like so: for (Object o : objects) { for (Function f : functions) { for (Function g : functions) { f(g(o)); } } } And I'd li...

Private member function that takes a pointer to a private member in the same class

How can I do this? (The following code does NOT work, but I hope it explains the idea.) class MyClass { .... private: int ToBeCalled(int a, char* b); typedef (MyClass::*FuncSig)(int a, char* b); int Caller(FuncSig *func, char* some_string); } I want to call Caller in some way like: Caller(ToBeCalled, "stuff"...

C memcpy() a function

Hi guys, Is there any method to calculate size of a function? I have a pointer to a function and I have to copy entire function using memcpy. I have to malloc some space and know 3rd parameter of memcpy - size. I know that sizeof(function) doesn't work. Do you have any suggestions? ...