
Access function pointer defined in a structure?

Write a program to access the function "foo" using the structure structure2. typedef struct { int *a; char (*fptr)(char*); }structure1; typedef struct { int x; structure1 *ptr; }structure2; char foo(char * c) { --- --- --- } ...

Memory full on calling a method through its method pointer

I have a method pointer like below: typedef void (MMsnInternalCallBacks::* FuncPtr)(); FuncPtr iSoapActionComplete; I call the method below through the pointer iSoapActionComplete like below: (iCallbacks.*iSoapActionComplete)( ); While the function is being called a message "Memory Full. Try closing some applications" flashes on my...

C++ Using Class Method as a Function Pointer Type

Hi, In a C lib, there is a function waiting a function pointer such that: lasvm_kcache_t* lasvm_kcache_create(lasvm_kernel_t kernelfunc, void *closure) where lasvm_kernel_t is defined as: typedef double (*lasvm_kernel_t)(int i, int j, void* closure); Now, if I send a method defined in a class to lasvm_kcache_create: double cls_las...

What are function pointers used for, and how would I use them?

I understand I can use pointers for functions. Can someone explain why one would use them, and how? Short example code would be very helpful to me. ...

Refactoring function pointers to some form of templating

Bear with me as I dump the following simplified code: (I will describe the problem below.) class CMyClass { ... private: HRESULT ReadAlpha(PROPVARIANT* pPropVariant, SomeLib::Base *b); HRESULT ReadBeta(PROPVARIANT* pPropVariant, SomeLib::Base *b); typedef HRESULT (CMyClass::*ReadSignature)(PROPVARIANT* pPropVariant, SomeLib::Bas...

Issue with scope and closures in JavaScript

My question is really more about scope in JavaScript, rather then closures. Let's take the following code: var f = function () { var n = 0; return function () { return n++; }; }(); console.log(f()); console.log(f()); The above code outputs: 0 1 As you can see from the above code, f (self-invoked) returns a function, creating...

Function pointer as an argument

Hi all.. i am working in embedded C environment.. can we pass function pointer as an argument to a function in C? if so, can u give me a sample declaration and definition.. thnx in advance ...

Function Template Specialization on Function Pointers

(C++) I have a sanitization function that I want to run on (traditional) pointer types only. My problem is with function templates I can get as far as limiting the function to only pointers, however because of casting rule differences between function pointers and regular pointers, I run into problems. The Sanitize() function needs ...

Passing a pointer to a char array to a function

I have a pointer to my char array like this. unsigned char *recvBuf; recvBuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*RECVBUF); I then pass that to a function defined as void setHeader(MyHeader *myHeader, unsigned char *buffer) Which copies the first 12 bytes into a struct Then I try and pass it to another function later on ...

Function pointers in MATLAB

If I use the inline function in matlab I can create a single function name that could respond differently depending on previous choices: if (sometimes) p = inline('a - b','a','b'); else p = inline('a + b','a','b'); end c = p(1,2); d = p(3,4); But the inline functions I'm creating are becoming quite epic, so I'd like to move them ...

How can I create a type based lookup table in order to implement multiple-dispatch in C++?

I'm attempting to make a messaging system in which any class derived from "Messageable" can receive messages based on how the function handleMessage() is overloaded. For example: class Messageable { public: void takeMessage(Message& message) { this->dispatchMessage(message); } prot...

Calling pointer-to-member function in call for a function passed to a template function.

This is the provided function template I'm trying to use: template <class Process, class BTNode> void postorder(Process f, BTNode* node_ptr) { if (node_ptr != 0) { postorder( f, node_ptr->left() ); postorder( f, node_ptr->right() ); f( node_ptr->data() ); } } This is my call, and the function I'm passing: v...

Function pointers to member functions in C++

I need to call a method that expects a function pointer, but what I really want to pass to it is a functor. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do: #include <iostream> #include "boost/function.hpp" typedef int (*myAdder)(int); int adderFunction(int y) { return(2 + y); } class adderClass { public: adderClass(int x) : _x(x) ...

function pointers query

what is the difference between these two below: typedef void (*my_destructor)(void *); typedef void (*my_destructor)(void *) my_func_ptr; is the second one valid? ...

calling a function in from

How can I call a function in from here is the code. package com.modestmaps { import com.modestmaps.overlays.MarkerClip; import flash.display.Graphics; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.display.Shape; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.filters.BlurFilter; import flash...

[C++] Error linking with C++

I've try to compile this code: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; #define ARRAY_TAM 2 typedef int (*operacion)(int, int); typedef const char* (*Pfchar)(); int suma(int, int); int resta(int, int); const char* descrSuma(); const char* descrResta(); const char* simbSuma(); const char* simbResta(); class OP { ...

Function Pointer Calls

Let's say there is an imaginary operating system... There is a function in it called settime that gets a pointer to function and a timestamp. The catch is that every time the function is called it runs over the last call (so only the new function being provided as parameter will be called). I want to expose a new function to my users ...

Function pointer location not getting passed

I've got some C code I'm targeting for an AVR. The code is being compiled with avr-gcc, basically the gnu compiler with the right backend. What I'm trying to do is create a callback mechanism in one of my event/interrupt driven libraries, but I seem to be having some trouble keeping the value of the function pointer. To start, I have ...

How to call the function using function pointer?

Suppose I have these three functions: bool A(); bool B(); bool C(); How do I call one of these functions conditionally using a function pointer, and how do I declare the function pointer? ...

Virtual Methods or Function Pointers

When implementing polymorphic behavior in C++ one can either use a pure virtual method or one can use function pointers (or functors). For example an asynchronous callback can be implemented by: Approach 1 class Callback { public: Callback(); ~Callback(); void go(); protected: virtual void doGo() = 0; }; //Constructo...