
Gacutil.exe successfully adds assembly, but assembly not viewable in explorer. Why?

I'm running GacUtil.exe from within Visual Studio Command Prompt 2010 to register a dll (CatalogPromotion.dll) to the GAC. After running the utility, it says Assembly Successfully added to the cache, and running gacutil /l CatalogPromotionDll shows that the GAC contains the assembly, but I can't see the assembly when I navigate to C:\WIN...

Where does VS 2010 Tools' gacutil.exe install assemblies?

I used the Visual Studio 2010 Command Prompt's gacutil.exe to install an assembly. I expected the assembly to be added to C:\WINDOWS\assemblies, but it was instead added to C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL and is not showing up in C:\WINDOWS\assemblies. Is this a problem and should I be concerned that it's not showing up ther...

Does order matter when registering, gac-ing assemblies for COM interop?

When registering .NET assemblies for COM Interop, I do two things, currently in this order: regasm /tlb:MyDll.tlb Mydll.dll gacutil /i Mydll.dll I use regasm to register the type library for COM and gacutil to install the assembly into the GAC. Does it matter which order I do these two actions? Also, as I make updates to my dll, do...

Do I need to force the GAC to reload an assembly? Is this possible?

I've added types to my .NET classes that I'm using for COM interop. To get it to work with my VB6 application, I unregistered the DLL and re-registered it (using regasm). I then uninstalled and reinstalled it to the GAC (using gacutil). The types are showing up in the VB6 object explorer, but when I run the application in the VB6 IDE,...

Do assembly strong names change when new versions of .Net are released?

I'm trying to load an assembly that was installed as part of .Net 3.5 SP1 using Assembly.Load() by referencing its strong name. This works fine on my computer right now, but is it future proof? Will the strong name of core .Net assemblies change when patches are installed or new versions of the .Net framework are released? Edit: If .Ne...

Use Visual Studio Setup Project to automatically register and GAC a COM Interop DLL

I've created a .NET assembly for COM interop and it is working well on my development machine. I'm currently trying to figure out how to deploy the DLL to a target machine using Visual Studio's "Setup Project." How can I use the VIsual Studio setup project to do the following things: Register the assembly (currently using regasm). T...

Get GAC entries by Public Key

Is there a way to scan all the assemblies in the GAC and return a list of names of assemblies with a specified Public Key Token during runtime? I know the Public Key of all the GAC assemblies that I am interested in loading, but don't necessarily know the names or version numbers. ...

If Unity is not in the GAC, how does VS know to show it in Add References?

I'm trying to index the GAC and use the ResolveAssemblyReferences target. However, some assemblies (such as Unity application block) seem to be missing from the GAC and yet VS happily shows them in the Add Reference dialog. My question: how can this be? I always thought that only GAC-registered assemblies appear there. Am I missing somet...

Trouble registering ChilkatDotNet4.dll to the GAC

EDIT: the GAC issue below may not actually be the culprit. Turns out, even when I create a brand new Console App project and add the .dll directly (so that it lives in the bin), I still can't run it on the sever. Also, I've noted that Console apps are created targeting the .NET 4.0 Client Profile rather than the .NET Framework 4. When...

Working with .net 4.0 on Biztalk 2006 R2

Hello, I am working on Biztalk 2006 R2 (With ESB guidance 1.0) I recently ended a development of a new model (Dot net model) on VS 2010 with dot net framework 4.0, the new model uses 4.0 features and cannot be downgraded. I have found out that the GAC was changed in the new 4.0 framework and is placed in a diffrent location (link text) ...

Removing old versions of DLL from server

I have a problem where I have installed a DLL on a server into the GAC. When I try and uninstall it using the windows installer it still remains in the GAC. Is there anyway of removing this DLL completely from the GAC safely without affecting parts of the server/system? ...

NService bus and the GAC

Hi there, I have recently tried to migrate the NServiceBus libraries to the GAC as they are pretty big and are required in nearly all of my software. I am using the newest .NET 4.0 Build ( and have used GACUTIL to copy NServiceBus & NServiceBus.Core into the new GAC and log4net into the old 2.0 GAC. I have managed to get log4...

How do I deploy dlls to a system's GAC and check for their existence on program startup?

Entity Framework references some DLLs. On one system, they showed up in the GAC which is very convenient. I can't figure out how I did this. The installer doesn't seem to do this -- The dlls I'm specifically talking about here are: The core library assembly Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.dll The Unity Application Block a...

Referencing a .Net 4.0 Assembly in the GAC from VS2010

Has anyone done this? I have created an assembly and installed it to the GAC. It's listed in gacutil and I can see it in c:\windows\\assembly folder. I have found people saying to add registry keys, but the folders they specify don't exist, and when I create them, my assembly is still not appearing in the list. I have tr...

Register multiple versions of same assembly in GAC

Hi, I need to register two versions of the same assembly in the GAC. From what I understand, it should be possible to register both versions, however when I try to register the second one using gacutil.exe I get the following message: Assembly already exists in cache. Use /f option to force overwrite The assembly I'm trying to regis...

Can't load DLL compiled with another one recently moved to the GAC

I have a app that allows users to plug in custom libraries they built. They had to reference a DLL I provided to get attributes needed to make their libs work in my system. Now I need to move this DLL into the GAC, but when I do my app won't load legacy custom libs, even though they were compiled with "Specific Version = False". CreateI...

Location of GACUTIL in Windows server 2008 production box

I have a production box (Windows Server 2008) where no visual studio is installed. Can I use GACUTIL there...If so where can i find the gacutil exe in that machine ...

Using Global Assembly Cache (GAC) - in the way it was designed to

Is the following solution the only possibility to use libraries from GAC in code? Assembly lib = Assembly.Load("MyLibrary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31f5625abd53197f"); Console.WriteLine(lib.GetType("MyClass").GetMethod("Start").Invoke(obj, null)); I am a little bit confused - I've read quite much about GAC and...

GACUtil "Assembly successfully added to the cache" but "Number of items = 0"

Why, when I run: gacutil –i myAssembly.dll do I get: Assembly successfully added to the cache But then when I run: gacutil –l myAssembly.dll I get Number of items = 0 ? ...

GAC – Assembly is in the GAC but “Could not load file or assembly”

Hi, I have an Interop dll that was generated by Visual Studio for a third-party COM object that I am consuming in a .NET dll. I have registered both my consuming dll and the Interop dll in the GAC. I have to use the GAC because these DLLs are being used by a SharePoint 2010 workflow. When the execution gets to the point where my dll ...