
How to check null value for UserProperty in Google App Engine

Hello, In Google App Engine, datastore modelling, I would like to ask how can I check for null value of a property with class UserProperty? for example: I have this code: class Entry(db.Model): title = db.StringProperty() description = db.StringProperty() author = db.UserProperty() editor = db.UserProperty() creationdate = db...

Java App Engine Datastore: How to query fields of object's inherited classes?

AppEngine 1.2.2. I define a class Product like so: @PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION, table="Products") public class Product { public Product(String title) { super(); this.title = title; } public String getTitle() { return title; } @Persistent String title; @PrimaryKey @Persistent(valueStrateg...

working of video75 and googlevideo caches

Possible Duplicate: creating a proxy site video75 can be used to search youtube videos in countres like turkey, where youtube is banned. I observered the request and response from video75 and saw that it ultimately streams the video from googlevideo cache . I tried to play a video on video75 and I saw that ultimatly video was ...

Hierarchical data output from App Engine Datastore to JSON?

I have a large hierarchical dataset in the App Engine Datastore. The hierarchy is preserved by storing the data in Entity groups, so that I can pull a whole tree by simply knowing the top element key like so: query = db.Query().ancestor(db.get(key)) The question: How do I now output this data as JSON and preserve the hierarchy? Googl...

Unable to modify App Engine entities, except in administration console

I'm experiencing a critical problem with my App Engine datastore, and it seems to be completely immune to debugging: I'm unable to modify entities after constructing them. The problem is even present when working from a console defined in app.yaml that does not share any code with my main application. Here's an example from the console...

Can one application access other applications data querying the key in Google App Engine?

It would be an enormous security flaw if it does. Proposed method: entity = db.get(key) source: ...

appengine: NeedIndexError: The built-in indices are not efficient enough for this query and your data. Please add a composite index for this query.

While using django.core.paginator import ObjectPaginator, I'm getting this error: NeedIndexError: The built-in indices are not efficient enough for this query and your data. Please add a composite index for this query. The original query is written in this form: query = models.Cdr.all() query.filter("var1 =", var1 )

How to add more than 500 entries to the datastore with put() in google app engine?

I tried adding batches of data in a list with a couple of calls to db.put(). But it still timeouts occasionally. Anyone have some tips? ...

Google App Engine - which tools to edit datastore locally?

Hi all, I would like to ask if there is any tools for Google App Engine to edit datastore in localhost? In the Application Console, I can edit data on appspot, but for localhost, which tools are available? Please advice! ...

Can an entity parent be modified in Google app engine?

When I update an entity, the entity needs to change parent, is there any way to do that? ...

Migration to GAE

What is the best way to migrate MySQL tables to Google Datastore and create python models for them? I have a PHP+MySQL project that I want to migrate to Python+GAE project. So far the big obstacle is migrating the tables and creating corresponding models. Each table is about 110 columns wide. Creating a model for the table manually i...

How to best deploy a single google app engine application to multiple region-specific subdomains?

I am trying to figure out the best way to deploy a single google app engine application across multiple regions. The same code is to be used, but the stored data is specific to each region. Motivating examples are hyperlocal review sites, like or urbanspoon, where restaurants and other businesses to review are specific to a re...

How to filter users by email in Google App Engine?

Hi! I tried User(email = email) and User.all().filter('email = ', email).get(), but both of them don't work for me. Thanks ...

How can I persist the local datastore for GoogleAppEngineLauncher between reboots?

I'm using GoogleAppEngineLauncher (GAEL) on Mac OS X. The state of the datastore for my application is persisted between server restarts and even GAEL restarts, but if I reboot, the datastore is reset. Is there a setting to prevent this reset, or is there a tmp file somewhere that I can save off? ...

Improve App Engine performance by reducing entity size

The objective is to reduce the CPU cost and response time for a piece of code that runs very often and must db.get() several hundred keys each time. Does this even work? Can I expect the API time of a db.get() with several hundred keys to reduce roughly linearly as I reduce the size of the entity? Currently the entity has the followi...

GAE datastore list property serialization

Hi, I've watched this video from Google I/O 2009: where Brett shows microblogging example. He describes two datastore schemas: first one: class Message(db.Model):     sender = db.StringProperty()     body = db.TextProperty()     receivers = db.StringListProperty() and second one: class Messag...

Implementing "Starts with" and "Ends with" queries with Google App Engine

Hi, Am wondering if anyone can provide some guidance on how I might implement a starts with or ends with query against a Datastore model using Python? In pseudo code, it would work something like... Query for all entities A where property P starts with X or Query for all entities B where property P ends with X Thanks, Matt ...

A good data model for finding a user's favorite stories

Original Design Here's how I originally had my Models set up: class UserData(db.Model): user = db.UserProperty() favorites = db.ListProperty(db.Key) # list of story keys # ... class Story(db.Model): title = db.StringProperty() # ... On every page that displayed a story I would query UserData for the current user:...

Google App Engine Datastore multi-field key

@PersistenceCapable(identityType = IdentityType.APPLICATION, detachable ="false") public class Foo implements IsSerializable { @PrimaryKey @Persistent(valueStrategy = IdGeneratorStrategy.IDENTITY) private Long id; @Persistent private Long revision; @Persistent private String information; } The problem is this obje...

Which Property type do I use to put a User's user_id() in the Datastore?

This is why I need to put user_id()'s in the Datastore: A User value in the datastore does not get updated if the user changes her email address. This may be remedied in a future release. Until then, you can use the User value's user_id() as the user's stable unique identifier.