
Is a Gantt Chart larger than a single page ever useful?

I've worked on a few projects managed through the use of a Gantt chart. Some of these have has a massive number of tasks and the project manager spends all their time wrestling with MS Project instead of making good choices. I can see the point if there are a number of separate teams working towards something (e.g. legal, IT, marketing...

What do project/program managers do all day?

I'm going through the interview process for a "PM" position at a certain company. From what I can tell PMs go to meetings and make Gantt charts all day. So... What do project/program managers do all day? p.s. I heard on the SO podcast that this question received a good # of answers and votes yet it was deleted... so I'm asking it aga...

Convert from Office Project to Smart Draw

Hello is there a way to convert a gantt chart from Microsoft Office Project to Smartdraw ...

Gantt Chart Controls on Windows Forms

We are evaluating options for a Gantt chart control (on Windows Forms) as opposed developing one on our own. What are the various Gantt Chart controls you have had experience with? Pros and cons? Is it a viable idea to develop such a control from scratch (given that the control is not the primary product in this case)? Update: Just bri...

FlexGantt TimelineObject color change

I'm using the FlexGantt Javax Swing package ( to display some Gantt charts. The trouble I'm having is that I can't figure out how to change the color of a DefaultTimelineObject that I've extended into my own class. Actually, about the only colors I seem able to change are the ones that are for the background colors o...

Gantt Chart online

I need to insert a horizontal bar chart in a web page. The thing I have to do is very similar to a Gantt Chart. I'd like to use a javascript library for the purpose. I tried jsgantt, but actually it is not very beautiful. I could evaluate also a server generation of the graph. In case my server side language is Python. It will be part...

How to develop GWT widget?

I want to develop my GWT Widget. This widget draws Gantt chart and has drag - drop property. It will be simple form of Deskera Where can I start to develop this widget? Any advice? ...

Is it pssible to resize the task in Gantt Chart using infragistics control

Is it pssible to resize the task in Gantt Chart using infragistics control ...

A better Project Manager tool than MS Project?

I regularly use MS project on 6-12 month duration programming projects with several hundred steps and half a dozen engineers. Its ...ok... in that I can define lots of project steps, dependencies, task size estimates and resource assignments. Ignoring that any project plan is actually a bad model of the real truth, MS project fails m...

how to create Gantt Chart view on Iphone sreen

Hello I wonder how to create Gantt Chart view or (Matrix table on PC )on Iphone sreen. see demo here you know the Iphone's screen is very small(320x480), the Gantt Chart view is large. what API or Framework do I need to use? thank you very much ...

Integration between Project Web Access and SharePoint (Gantt Charts)

I'm a newbie to using Project Web Access and I wondered if someone can guide me by giving links that help in integration of SharePoint site with Project Web Access. What I want to do is to generate Gantt charts inside a regular SharePoint site. I know that there is a standard view to generate charts in SharePoint but I need the more cus...

Bar-chart Software that displays "Multi-project tasking"?

I am looking for a graph-drawing software that produces diagrams that, unlike Gantt-charts, allow to define more that one, independent time-span for one line, because if there is no critical path, one can take up a project, leave it unfinished, start another, and take up the original project at a later time. ...

How do I export a Gantt Chart from MS Project to MS Word using VBA

Using MS Project 2003 i want to export the "View | Gantt Chart" to MS Word (2000) using VBA. How can I achieve this? ...

convert HTML ( having Javascript ) to PDF using java / javascript

Hi, i want to convert HTML (having javascript ) to PDF.. how i can do that ?? i just want to show what is being shown in web page ... like my scenerio is . i am displaying a gantt chart that is generated by javascript library .. now i want to save that HTML web page in PDF ... how to do that ???? ...

Is there any good free Gantt Chart controls for .net winforms?

The question is in the title. I'm looking for a free gantt chart control to use in a .net application. ...

Date/Time formatting in .NET (Devexpress Gantt charts to show time rather than date)

I have some data about a day's events that I'm trying to visualise as a Gantt chart using Devexpress XtraCharts. Devexpress's example here shows the chart being populated by date. However, I'd like it to be populated by time to compare the events throughout one day. My X-axis is displaying correctly - done like so: ganttDiagram.AxisY.D...

navigating problem in gantt view in sharepoint

in Sharepoint 2010 in Gantt view is there a way to navigate the project task hierarchy? There is button "Navigate up" on the ribbon which can be pressed but does nothing for me. The same data in All tasks view works correctly ...

Can anyone recommend a good tutorial on drawing gantt charts using gnuplot

Hi guys, I'm looking for a good tutorial on drawing gantt charts with gnuplot. Any help is appreciated. ...

Python: module for plotting Gantt charts

Hi, Is there a good Python module for plotting Gantt Charts? I've tried CairoPlot, but it produces buggy results for complex data sets and lacks many configuration options. Code samples and images are highly appreciated. Thanks, Adam ...