
any PHP or Ruby library to convert Tranditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese or vice versa?

any PHP or Ruby library to convert Tranditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese or vice versa (Big5 <--> GB)? the iconv library won't do it as it merely convert the encoding -- the glyph stays the same. ...

convert bytes to GB in php

Hi there, I want to convert bytes to GB. value= 8587321344 So it should be 8587321344/1024/1024/1024 But whenever I go to divide, the value is wrong... If I cast it into integer, it will be limited to 2147.... Can't find any type cast to long data type... Funny enough... How to perform this calculation to show correct output... Th...

Help Me optimize this code?

I am looking to se if this code can be optimized. def gB(a,b,c): x=len(b) d=a.find(b)+x e=a.find(c,d) return a[d:e] print gB("abc","a","c") ...