
Computer Generated Vocals

Is this even possible? I.e. suppose you were given: 1) Lyrics to a song. 2) Background music of a song. 3) Timing of what syllables should be uttered when. 4) What note what each syllable should hit. Given the above, is it possible to automatically generated the vocals via a computer program? Thanks! ...

GWT forced height HTMLPanel

Hello, I'm developing a GWT project, and I encountered a problematic cross-browsering problem. When using firefox, there are problems with the display of all the pages. I found the reason why : In UIBinder, each of my pages are wrapped by a "g:HTMLPanel" : at start and at the end of the xml file, to wrap the content of all the pag...

Autotools: how to cleanup files created by "./configure" in lighttpd project?

Hi all, I'm starting to try out lighttpd for an embedded linux project. I got the curret source package and and started writing a master makefile ecapsulating all configer, compile, install (for testing) etc stuff. And vice-versa I want to cleanup every step. This cleanup should be 100%, i.e. there should be no generated files anymore a...

javascript: how to display html page from string

hi. i generate some html content dynamically like var content = "<head><title>testtitle</title></head><body>testbody</body>"; then i get myself a new tab with about:blank, and now i want to display my generated html in this tab. if the tab's contentDocument is newDoc, i thought i just do newDoc.documentElement.innerHTML = content; ...

Automatic three-level list numbering with Javascript? IE7 doesn't support CSS counters :(

Hey! The website I'm currently developing has a three-level menu and each item in the menu must have a number before the title: 1. and 1.1. and 1.1.1. for example. Currently I am using CSS to generate the numbers: #menu ol { counter-reset: item; } #menu li a { counter-increment: item; } #menu li a:before { content: coun...

Hibernate: Value generated by SQL query

Hi, I want Hibernate 3.3.0 to generate a value by performing a SELECT query before INSERT (persist()). Which would work like this: @Generated(GenerationTime.INSERT) @GenerateSQL("SELECT RANDOM() * 2") private int number; I've had a look at @Generated(), that's good for TRIGGERs. I don't want to introduce a trigger. I also looked at ...