
Using MergedDictionaries in generic.xaml in Silverlight 3

In WPF it was possible to organise the XAML for multiple user controls by keeping the markup in separate XAML files in the themes folder and then using MergedDictionaries to import them into generic.xaml: <ResourceDictionary> <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionaries> <ResourceDictionary Source="MyFirstControl.xaml" /> ...

Overriding styles defined in generic.xaml

I have a custom controls library, in which I defined a control template, that uses some custom styles. My control template is located in the Generic.xaml file, and the styles it uses are also located there, and accessed by the control template with the StaticResource markup extension. In some cases, when I use this controls library, I wa...

Linked Themes/Generic.xaml Files will not work in visual studio 2008

i have a project that i am doing and i need to share the code between silverlight and WPF Assembly problem is that even though the wpf assembly is the owner of that file and the silverlight assembly only has a link to the file, all of the build actions are page everything is correct. if i make the silverlight assembly the owner then silv...

In WPF, why does my Style in Generic.xaml not get applied to my Custom Control?

In WPF, I have a custom control that inherits from TreeView. The code is as follows... public class CustomTRV : TreeView { static CustomTRV() { //Removed this because I want the default TreeView look. //......CustomTRV.DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(CustomTRV), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeo...

Splitting Generic.Xaml - problem loading merges set. Please help with Source.

Hello, working on a pretty large library of controls the generic.xaml gets simpy out of control. I want to split it pretty much by control (although once for a namespace which contains only some simple ones for now). For that, i am adding more Resource Dictionaries. Then, in the generic.Xaml I add: <ResourceDictionary.MergedDictionar...

override style ignored by Generic.xaml

My generic.xaml code in the Assembly1: <Style x:Key="myLabelStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Label}"> <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Red"/> <Setter Property="Content" Value="generic"/> </Style> <ControlTemplate x:Key="theButton" TargetType="{x:Type local:MyButton}"> <Grid Background="Beige"> <ContentPresenter/> ...

Generic.xaml - Referencing styles

If I have a Style inside Generic.xaml and I want to reference a style within the SAME Generic.xaml file why does it not work? <Style TargetType="{x:Type w:SomeControlIWantToStyle}"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type w:SomeControlIWantToStyle}"> ...

WPF: Locate Parent Window from ListView ViewBase

I have a ListView that allows the user to change the ViewBase through a Context Menu (it acts like a simplified version of windows explorer). <ListView Name="lv" Grid.Row ="0" Grid.Column ="1" > <ListView.ContextMenu> <ContextMenu> <MenuItem Header="View1" Click="SwitchViewMenu"/> <M...

please explain what is themes and generic.xaml?

hello, i noticed that when i create a custom control in visual studio it adds generic.xaml into the Themes folder. what is the purpose of this folder, what is special about generic.xaml? why when i try to link to my own dictionaries from generic.xaml they do not seem to get picked up by the application? thanks! konstantin ...