
Is there an easy way to merge Localizable.strings files?

Problem: Using genstrings to create Localizable.strings files from a project. A few weeks later, some things changed and I run genstrings again. 75% of the new file is already in the old file. How could I merge the new file with the old file, so that the old file contains all of those 25% new key-value-pairs? ...

Why doesn't genstrings convert NSLocalizedStringFromTable entries to table.strings?

In my source code I have some lines like NSLocalizedStringFromTable(@"Info", @"en", @"Title of this view"). When I subsequently call genstrings -o en.lproj ./Classes/*.m I would not get the expected file en.strings but Localized.strings, although I've read in the genstrings-manpage that it would generate a table.strings file from NSLocal...

iPhone: Update Localizable.strings files using genstrings?

I have generated my strings file correctly using genstrings. I have changed the localized strings for my different languages. Now, I have added a few more NSLocalizedString() occurrences and I want to generate those into all of my localized strings files. But, running genstrings again does not seem to update my strings files. Am I ...