
Reading output from geometry shader on CPU

Hi, I'm trying to read the output from a geometry shader which is using stream-output to output to a buffer. The output buffer used by the geometry shader is described like this: D3D10_BUFFER_DESC vbdesc = { numPoints * sizeof( MESH_VERTEX ), D3D10_USAGE_DEFAULT, D3D10_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER | D3D10_BIND_STREAM_OUTPUT, ...

Do GLSL geometry shaders work on the GMA X3100 under OSX

I am trying to use a trivial geometry shader but when run in Shader Builder on a laptop with a GMA X3100 it falls back and uses the software render. According this document the GMA X3100 does support EXT_geometry_shader4. The input is POINTS and the output is LINE_STRIP. What would be required to get it to run on the GPU (if possible) ...

Geometry shader doesn't do anything when fed GL_POINTS

I'm trying to use geometry shaders to turn points into line segments (GL_POINTS to GL_LINE_STRIP), but no line segments appear. If I change the input to GL_LINES, and just repeat the vertex, then I get the behavior I'm expecting. What's going on? Here's a complete program that demonstrates the behavior. As-is, I get nothing but a black ...