In a servlet I do the following:
Context context = new InitialContext();
value = (String) context.lookup("java:comp/env/propertyName");
On an Apache Geronimo instance (WAS CE 2.1) how do i associate a value with the key propertyName?
In Websphere AS 6 i can configure these properties for JNDI lookup under the "Name Space Bindings...
Does Geronimo provides a standalone transaction manager?
And if it does, is it possible to use it in Tomcat?
If you're running Apache Geronimo in production why did you choose it over other application servers and what are your experiences with running Geronimo in production?
Can you also please share what servlet engine you decided to use (Tomcat/Jetty) and why you made this decision?
UPDATE: So far this question got two up-votes and one sta...
What benefits do I gain by using IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition over Apache Geronimo?
I have created a project using Netbeans with glassfish. It is a java ee and I have created some ejbs. I need to run this on Apache Geronimo but I don't know how to do this.
Any pointers?
I am trying to look up a QueueConnectionFactory and Queue via Geronimo's JNDI. The Queue gets returned fine, but the QueueConnectionFactory lookup always returns null. It doesn't throw a NamingException, which is what I'd expect if the JNDI name was incorrect.
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? The test code below outputs:
When running my Grails 1.1-M2 app as a WAR under Geronimo 2.1.4 (jetty6, javaee5), the HTML generated from the GSPs do not include my dynamic content.
Specifically, this GSP snippet:
<tr class="prop">
<td valign="top" class="name">
<label for="type">
<g:message code="album.type.label" default="Type" />
I have an EAR application which contains an MDB and a WAR.
In this EAR application I would send a message into an another Queue from other EAR application. Say jms/anotherQueue
If the message sending happens in web context, it works.
I have such setup in web.xml
If I understand correctly, datasource passwords are stored in the config.ser file. Can these passwords actually be read or are they encrytped?
For a production environment, is Apache Geronimo better for applications that uses ActiveMQ, Derby, Solr?
I have an application which uses JSPs and Servlets and deployed on IBM-WASCE 2.1.
I want the application to use SSL for login purposes. Based upon the documentation, I added the following lines to web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="
my site is structured as (in tomcat)
blockquote /web/*
blockquote /services/*
where the web is all static content, html jpg, my web designer is using ftp to upload/edit the content of the /web/*
/services/* is deployed as a .war file
in tomcat i point the ftp user's root to /tomcat/webapp/web/ folder
how to migrate to...
I am using JPA with openjpa implementation beneath, on a Geronimo application server. I am also using MySQL database. I have a problem with updating object with nullable Date property. When I'm trying to merge entity with Date property set to null, no sql update script is generated (or when other fields are modified, sql update script is...
WASCE (aka geronimo 2.1)
db2jcc4.jar 4.3.85 (tried 4.8.x as well)
tranql-connector-db2-xa 1.4 (tried 1.5 as well)
SQLXML xml = c.createSQLXML();
Struggling with
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: java/sql/ResultSet.getSQLXML(I)Ljava/sql/SQLXML;
at [snip]
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
Hi, everybody.
I have Apache Geronimo installed with Tomcat. I am building a war file and whant to deploy it to Geronimo automatically with Ant script. A standart way to deploy to Geronimo is to use deployer.jar, am I right? And I saw that there are tasks available to deploy jars on standalone Tomcat. So what would be the right way? Or m...
I have just started studying Spring framework. My current goal is to access database from my bean through JPA (TopLink** provider) on Geronimo server. But I can't overcome the problem of getting entityManagerFactory.
The exception I get:
Does anybody knows how to get standard connection to geronimo using jconsole.
I mean not, but whole JVM management with thread pool, memory usage, cpu usage like that screenshots
background: I am using geronimo + hibernate + spring. Just using the JPA api's on an EJB backend that contains no servlets, no web.xml.
I've been working on this for literally 41 days and have tried all types of combinations so now I'm asking on StackOverflow for help. Please bare with me I have not slept.
I have a geronimo managed...
I'm using Apache Geronimo as my application server. And authentication is happening over LDAP using Apache Directory Service. I don't have any previous experience with JavaEE software development, so please take it easy on me. Let me know if I need to explain anything in more detail.
Basically my login step is pretty similar to this ...
What are the best Java hosting you know working with appservers like glassfish, geronimo or jboss..
I've developed an application in glassfish, now its time to take that app online...
Based on your experience what hosting sellers/managers can you recommend?