
java.lang.String in jndi default context with Apache Geronimo - How?

In a servlet I do the following: Context context = new InitialContext(); value = (String) context.lookup("java:comp/env/propertyName"); On an Apache Geronimo instance (WAS CE 2.1) how do i associate a value with the key propertyName? In Websphere AS 6 i can configure these properties for JNDI lookup under the "Name Space Bindings...

Fresh WAS-CE installation gives nothing but "HTTP 400 'bad request'"?

I apologise in advance for something I'm expecting is a horrifyingly noob-question. I decided to try out developing web-applications in Java, using IBM's WAS-CE platform. I've never worked with this platform before, nor any other platforms for running Java web applications (I've been using php for all my web projects). Now, I downloade...

IBM Data Studio - Security when publishing stored-proc as web service

I want to publish a mainframe Z/OS stored procedure as a web sphere - more or less according to this article: http://www.databasejournal.com/features/db2/article.php/10896%5F3784896%5F3/ We got the web-server installed and started, and the stored-proc deployed to it. When we clicked the "go" to test the web service we got an SQL erro...