
Make an option selected based on $_GET. Is this even possible?

Hi, I have a quick question. Is it possible to do something like this? The options are generated dynamically based on foreach loop. I want the loop to stop where the $_GET['t'] equals the $k and make it selected. <option value=";?php print $k; ?>/" <?php if ($k == $_GET['t']) print 'selected'; ?>><?php print $v; ...

How to do an http get in cocoa on the iPhone

Hi, can anyone paste some code on how to do a simple http get in cocoa? ...

How to create a form in SharePoint that modifies query string

My request is simple. i want to put a form (a text field let's say) on a sharepoint page, with a submit button. when i submit. I want the URL to be reposted with the s="textfromtextfield" say i was on a url http://site/site.aspx?p=x clicking submit will take me to: http://site/site.aspx?p=x&amp;s="textfromtextfield" ...

post and get with same method signature

In my controller I have two actions called "Friends". The one that executes depends on whether or not it's a "get" versus a "post". So my code snippets look something like this: // Get: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)] public ActionResult Friends() { // do some stuff return View(); } // Post: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public A...

writing mod_rewrite for form data

I am trying to rewrite an url with get-data from at form. This is working all good when committing strings with only English letters. But when commit Norwegian charachters (this is a Norwegian page), only the non-rewriten url is displayed. My mod_rewrite sentences looks like this: RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /resultpage.php$ RewriteCond ...

PowerShell Get -Date

Hi guys I have this in PowerShell: I have a collection that have a CustomProp named "rep_date" that contains a Date in format: mm/dd/yyyy, now I want to save there the date in this format: dd/mm/yyyy, Im trying this approach: For ($i=0;$i –le $HD.count; ++$i) { $B = $HD[$i].CustomProps[‘rep_date’] = Get-Date –date $HD[$i].CustomPro...

URL not behaving as expected in Zend Framework

Howdy, When calling the following type of url in a controller's init method I get two different results on two different servers:;end=2009-04-21 Calling echo $_GET['start']; Gives me 2009-04-18 on one server and nothing at all on the other server. However, and this is t...

Some help getting an XML response from a GET request using ASP.NET (see code)?

Can't seem to figure this out, see code below. Trying to make a GET request to Basecamp and store the XML it returns in memory so I can parse it. Not sure how to exactly 'fire' the request off or get back the XML from it, please advise. using System; using System.Web; using System.Data; using System.Xml; using System.Net; using System.I...

PHP How do I retain all GET vars in links?

I have some PHP code that generates dynamic tables of data on the fly. By clicking various links you "refine" the tables of data. What I'd like is each of these links to retain the current GET information and add to it. IE: $allPreviousVars = ???; // Could be 20+ vars echo "<a href='".$allPreviousVars."&newVar=2'>Link</a>"; I can thin...

How to do a get and post in php with restful web service server side

Hi can anyone past some code how to do a restful web service get and post method. This would be server side so I would be able to invoke the two services from a client. Thanks! ...

My qhttp get() call does not work on Windows but does on Linux

Hi, I have written a program that uses qhttp to get a webpage. This works fine on Linux, but does not work on my Windows box (Vista). It appears that the qhttp done signal is never received. The relevant code is: Window::Window() { http = new QHttp(this); connect(http, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(httpDone(bool))); url =...

C++ Concurrent GET requests

I am writing a C++ application and would like to request several data files through a HTTP GET request simultaneously, where should I look to get started (needs to be cross-platform). Run Application Create a list of URLs { "http://host/file1.txt", "http://host/file2.txt", "http://host/file3.txt"} Request all the URLs simultaneously ...

Use the get paramater of the url in javascript

If I am on a page such at in the javascript of that page, I would like to set a variable to the value of the paramater in the GET part of the url so in javascript: <script ...> param1var = ... // ... would be replaced with the code to get asdf from url </script> What would "..." be?...

GET request with query and digest http authorization

I have java service that I need to use (can't modify it) and web server that uses digest HTTP authorization. I'm using HttpWebRequest to communicate with the server (with GET method). NetworkCredentials needed for authentication are provided. But invoking GetResponse() generates error 400 (Bad request). Address:

Django URLs - How to pass in multiple caterories via the clean URL without the need for ?

Hi, I want to stay way from GET params. Don't want to use POST and I have at least two different categories to build the URL for. The visitors are first asked to choose a location wich can be one of, for example: || ||

Javascript get id

function check(id){ var _id = document.getElementById(id); url = "test.php?check=1&id=" + _id; } i want the id in the url it's working but without the id that is in the check('123'); It's for an innerHTML to load something hope you can help me with getting the id Greetings ...

Post and Get via CURL

I'm trying to send information from a form and a hidden email variable (from a db) to a PHP script using cURL. I have the post items moving correctly, but I am not sure if can also send a variable vai the url. (the $_Get) ...

getting or setting cookies with javascript

Hello, My question is if I can set a cookie using javascript (and read it) My first impression is that the code beneath doesn't work If I look in my vista cookie folder, I can not the name off the cookie function zetCookie(naam,waarde,dagen) { if (dagen) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(day...

Is it possible to use http get and http post in NSIS?

Hi all, I have a local updater that is able to download a mini installer from the web server using the NSISdl plugin. Let's say I have a bunch of mini installer versions. Is there also a way for the local installer to check for the "LATEST" mini installer available from the web server . I've heard you can do that through a web servic...

Open string in app per drag'n'drop on icon

Hey! My idea: I select a string/text and drop it on my app's icon. My app comes up and does fancy things with the string. Now my question is how I can do it that I can drop it on the app, how I can notify my app and how my app gets the string. Any suggestions? Thanks for answering and any idea! :) ...