
Error CS0051 (Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type 'Job' is less accessible than method 'AddJobs.TotalPay(Job)')

I compiled and ran the source code below successfully by omitting the totalFee field. How do I write totalFee into this program so that it will accurately calculate the total fee for each job (rate * time)? Below, you'll see I tried using a method; which generated the error CS0051 (Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type 'Job' is less...

Passing in an "unfollow" flag GET parameter with Apache's mod_rewrite

EDIT @mootinator has done awesome work with this. See his answer below. Since I wasn't clear in specifying my exact URI, it may still help people who are looking for something similar. My URI is more like: 9/Here-is-some-text/unwatch which case you need mod_rewrite rules that look a little more like this: RewriteEngine on Rewrit...

jQuery.load(function(){}) event doesn't work in collab with .get()?

So I have this script on a website i'm working on, which basically loads images from a database and puts them in a div. When all the images are loaded, I want it to fire a scroller plugin (smoothdivscroll). But I can't find a way to make the last part work. Here is the code: $.get("pages/photosgigs.php", { gig: $(this).attr("id")}, fun...

C#: Get all week numbers from within 2 dates globalized/ISO 8601 compatible

I have a startdate 2010-01-01 (I just assume its a first day of the week) and an enddate 2010-07-31 (I just assume its a first day of the week) I want to have returned from a method all week numbers for every first day of the week for the above timespan. I can not assume that the first day of week is always monday, because my user...