
jQuery.get() function not executing

I'm hijacking the click event and doing a $.get() on the href. Problem is, that the function that I'm defining doesn't get executed. Firebug Console, shows that a GET request was actually made: GET http://localhost:8000/products/a-26-tavella-grip-168168-1a-3/ 200 OK 12ms So, not sure what to make of this, the page is just a simpl...

Building query string links

I'm building a filters section for my search page and I was wondering what is the best way to go about doing the query strings. My problem is that these links function a lot like checkboxes, so some, all or none can be on. I'd have to loop through each of about 30 or so links, removing or adding that specific link's value depending on it...

Why do we need HTTP GET? Is there anything that can't be achieved by HTTP POST?

As far as I know what GET can do, the same can be achieved by POST. So why was GET required in first place while defining HTTP protocol. If GET is only for fetching the resource, people can still update resources by sending the parameters values in URL. Why this loophole? Or the guy who did the coding on server side to update the resourc...

Storing Last Search Results

Hi, I'm working on a collaborative project and I'm trying to figure out the best way to store previous search results. Let me quickly explain the scenario. I have a list of search result items and I want these results to be stored as a user clicks on an item and visit's it's landing page. At the top there will be a section listing the l...

URL concatenation javascript for selected (or not) checkboxes

Hi, I have this code for that "sends by" GET true or false concerning if a checkbox is checked or not: var isChecked = document.myform.checkbox.checked ? 1 : 0; var isChecked0 = document.myform.checkbox0.checked ? 1 : 0; var isChecked1 = document.myform.checkbox1.checked ? 1 : 0;"GET","roulette2.php?boxchecked=" + isChec...

How to do a jQuery $.ajax or $.get request on a distant/other server? No Json or JSONP

Hello there, I'm working on a little widget that will allow to embed like an iframe (but with a jQuery plugin) a part of my website. I've successfully made a search.php API that produces in JSONP what I need to retrieve. It works! (thx to this community ;) ). I had difficulties to understand and use right callback request to allow a di...

HTML5 App Cache not working with POST requests

Hello, I'm working on a web application and I went through the necessary steps to enable HTML5 App Cache for my initial login page. My goal is to cache all the images, css and js to improve the performance while online browsing, i'm not planning on offline browsing. My initial page consist of a login form with only one input tag for en...

Getting selected html content in tinymce editor

I have created a custom button using this code setup : function(ed) { ed.addButton('Tittle', { title : 'Tittle', image : './images/T.jpg', onclick : function() { ed.focus(); var c = ed.selection.getNode().nodeName; if(c!="TITTLE") { ed.selection.setContent('<tittle...

taking the user back to the intial page after login?

im using php, i wanted to know if a user lands on a certain page, and they have to login or signup to be able to do actions like commenting or rating etc. i wanted to able to take the user back to that same page after they login. i was thinking to use the php get function and pass the url, im not sure thats the best way to do it, thanks...

jQuery $get() - compare loaded data with each()

I have two lists .album and .favorites First I was using this each() loop to compare the .album items against the .favorites When there is a favorite copy in the .album list I append a favorite icon. $(".album li").each(function(index) { var itemSrc = $(this).find("img").attr("src"); if ( $(".favorites li img[src*='" + itemSrc ...

Http POST request url contains '['

I am working with SharePoint using http post request. My url contains '[' so I am getting some exception. Does anybody knows how to send a Post or Get request if the url contains '[' or ']' character? ...

PHP: managing url $_GET tinkering

hi, Here's a situation, i have a list of support tickets that when you click the title of the ticket takes you to a page that displays the ticket in more detail. If uses URL GET variables to query the database. I've taken SQL injection into account but what if someone modifies the url to an id that doesn't exist? whats the best way to d...

Perforce Get Latest Revision doesn't get checked-out files?

When using p4v to sync a project onto a 2nd machine I was surprised to see that files I had checked out on my primary machine were not included in the "Get Revision" (Get Latest Revision and Force options selected). This seems like an elemental thing to get working but I can't find how to force this other than perhaps tagging the sourc...

How to get the home directory in Python?

I need to get the location of the home directory of the current logged-on user. Currently, I've been using the following on Linux: os.getenv("HOME") However, this does not work on Windows. What is the correct cross-platform way to do this? ...

ASP.NET MVC2 Application's submit button returns URL with an appended "Form"

OK, I'm sorry if the tile of the question was unclear, and if you understand what I mean, please don't hesitate to help me think of a better one. Anyway, I have a <input type="submit"> element for my form, and I want it to return the same URL as the URL of the page the element is on. Currently, if I click the button, it takes me from /...

How can I add a parameter to the manifest file HTML5 for offline mode?

Hello, I have a web application and I want to make it run offline as well. In this application I just have a form and I am using PHP for submitting it. I am using a manifest.php file like the one described in . The problem is that I need somehow to add the parameters from the form ...

retrieving http post information from a request C# HttpApplication question

Simple one here As I make a post request I wish to receive the header information of that post request Say this is the information posted as in the request header ApplicationId=13dcsf39-dsf4ec-4sc79-95csfd0-0a0215807a9e&RoleId=03sfe144c3-c4fsf0-45sfff-bf8sf0-92e222df084da7&RoleName=CGDESIGN&LoweredRoleName=cgdesign I wish to get thi...

REST GET verb with parameters

Hello my fellow stackers I'm sitting reading on some REST with my fellow teammates, we are writing a RoR application that is going to expose some of its functionality to the rest of the world. My task on this team is to make a ressource that exposes journal reports. If you call You should get all t...

Check URL for page name

I have some code that someone wants to put on their site. Here is the code i received from them: <script language="JavaScript" src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script language="JavaScript" src=";ProviderId=3176&amp;...

Does the method argument in AJAX need to be upper case?

Well basically what the title says, when making an AJAX request with JavaScript. Does the method, i.e. GET / POST, need to be upper case? Thanks in advance. Edit: Even a yes or no will suffice. ...