
An Encoding Issue?

Hello all, I think I have a URL encoding issue. I need to open a window using Javascript and pass a SQL Select query to it. So I have done this:'view_query.php?sql_query=' + query + '&db_name=' + db_name); This has worked for me, but I have a query that breaks this: SELECT a FROM table WHERE field like '%adhoc%' Now ...

Get url and parameters with SSI

Hello, i have to get url and parameters with SSI (only with SSI), but i cant find any solution, so im here for example: and i have to get value of parameter "data" can someone help me? ...

Best Matched function for PHP HttpRequest Class in C#

I am developing an App where I would need to perform HTTP Request using C#. Had in been PHP, I could use the HttpRequest class. Which class or group of class is best matched for the PHP HttpRequest by which I could make GET and POST Request. ...

populate form field with product number value

Hi all. I'm hoping this is an easy one for PHP experts. I have a product page, each product has a unique reference number. When a user clicks to request more info about a product, a contact form will pop up. I want the product number value from the product to automatically be passed to the product number field of the contact form. Ho...

how can I rewrite URL to fancy url?

Hi there, when my user logs in, I want the get variables that were sent rewrote onto the URL like so: or How can I do this? Please help! Thanks! ...

Using get in jQuery to load an html form with PHP variables

Hi there, I have an index.php that includes config.php. Now I'm using $.get() when I click a button to load a form: $.get('form.php', function (form) { $(form).insertAfter(); }); This form requires config.php for some input values; however, when the form has loaded, I receive the php error: Notice: Undefined variable: config in ...

What is the Use of Property {get, set} method in C # 3.0

Possible Duplicate: C# Automatic Properties Hello, I have recently moved towards .net (c#) platform from Java. Here I don't face much problem yet... anyway I 'm messed up with property{get, set} method. Actually I could not get up the exact meaning of these (property) according to me the same job of initial...

Pass Dictionary as a web service GET parameter ?

can i Pass Dictionary as a web service GET parameter ? how will it look on the URL? do i pass it on the URL itself or in the header? ...

What is the best method of maintaining a large query string?

In several PHP applications I'm making I need to maintain a very long query string for filters for a table. I only want to change one or more GET variables per filter change, while the rest of the query string stays unchanged. I have a few ideas on how to do this, including using javascript to build the query string every time a filter ...

Possible reasons for a browser executing GET rather than post

One of our most common error situations in a web application is that a user executes a GET request where the form should have submitted a POST. I realize that the most likely case is that they got to the page (by way of a POST) and then clicked in the address bar and hit enter. The question is, are there other less obvious ways that t...

problem with the php get function?

i want to pass this paramater topic to another page, p.s. the page is loaded using jquery? the url: http://localhost/final/home.php#page2?topic=jquery now, i want to echo the the topic on #page2 <h3 class="timeline"><?php echo $_GET["topic"]; ?> </h3> but it deosnt echo, any solutions, sorry for the newbiw questions :)) load_pag...

Pass array of srtucts as WCF method parameter in HTTP GET

i have a WCF Method that receives array of structs. the struct contains two strings "Key" and "Value": public struct mydata { public String key; public String value; } [ServiceContract] public interface IBasicService { [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate = "ReceiveStructsOfData?myDataArray={???????? WHAT DO I WRITE...

passing parameters to a jquery javscript function?

i have this jquery function that i want to pass topic parameter to, i just dont know how to pass it lol :)). the jquery function: function loadPage(url) //the function that loads pages via AJAX { url=url.replace('#page',''); //strip the #page part of the hash and leave only the page number $('#loading').css('visibility','v...

How to select unknown numbers in javascript?

So for example I have: array(2,1,3,4,5,6,7) and I already know (2,1,3) How should I get (4,5,6, 7) if I know that all numbers exists from 1 to 7 and the numbers what I already know So I want an array with the numbers what I don't know yet. Sorry if sounds stupid :| ...

Rails: Route for :collection that is both GET *and* POST?

I have a route that currently looks like this: map.resources :regions, :collection => {:select_for_payroll => :get}, has_one => :payroll How can I make the :select_for_payroll take both GET and POST? Many thanks! MrM ...

jquery GET request not working in IE and FF

Right now I have this GET request which works in Chrome but not in IE or FF. var dire = $(this).attr('dir'); if(dire == "ASC"){ var dp = "DESC"; } else if(dire == "DESC"){ var dp = "ASC"; } else{ var dp = "NA"; } $(this).attr('dir',dp); var col = $(this).attr('col'); $('#entries').fadeO...

jQuery: trying to get the input value.

Hi, i'm trying to obtain an input value with this: var $a = ('#telephone_number').val(); alert($a); But nothing, any idea? telephone_number is the id of the input. Regards Javi ...

PDF in response to POST - android browsers perform additional GET and save that as file

My Django view generates a PDF via pycairo in response to a POST (I'm not redirecting in response to the POST). When I POST using desktop browsers I can save and/or view the PDF using Adobe Reader or Document Viewer. However, when I POST via my android browsers the Adobe PDF Reader and the ThinkFree viewers both report the file as corrup...

PHP file get contents with URL returns getaddrinfo failure

Hello, I am trying to get the (pre-processed) content of an external PHP file: file_get_contents(''); When I do this, I get an error: Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: nodename nor servname provided, or not known in /Applicatio...

How to view the last GET HTTP request in JavaScript

How can I view the last GET http request in JavaScript? Basically what I am after is what I can see my firebug console. When XMLHttpRequests are showing in console I see a line that looks something like: GET;c=1 200 OK 163ms How do I view that URL in JavaScript? EDIT: Just to be clear...