
jQuery DataTables Plugin: Serializing dataTables variables

(This question is very specific to the dataTables plugin) Hi, I'm using the dataTables plugin (1.70) for jQuery (1.4.2) in my web application, and I'm trying to write a custom .csv export for my tables. I've already got a fully functioning (search, pagination, filter, sort) dataTables set-up using server-side processing. What I'm tryin...

How do I dynamically change Form Post URL?

I want to make the results of an ASP.NET form POST "bookmarkable", and I'm thinking of using query parameters to accomplish this. The idea is that a user will visit and they will type in a math problem, and view the results. The query and results are visible at{some guid here} The only ...

PHP $_POST, $_GET, and $_REQUEST keys

Is there ever a case (like some quirky browser) where a form input field's id becomes the key in $_POST, $_GET or $_REQUEST, instead of the field's name? We were having trouble with a field where the ID didn't match the name. Changing the ID to match appeared to fix the problem. The issue was purely PHP parsing; no JS involved. Coinci...

Passing on multiple GET variables with the "next" parameter in the URL

I'm having issues passing on multiple $_GET variables with "next". I'm redirecting users to the login page: [email protected]&activate_key=1421sdxzcxz213xz The problem is that the activation key is treated as a second $_GET parameter on the login page (along with "next"), instead of being part of the re...

PHP Get method not sending full input

I have a drop down list that is dynamically generated using a mySQL database using the following code: $region = mysql_query("select region_name from region", $connection); echo "<select name=region>Region</option>"; while ($row = $mysql_fetch_array($region)) { echo "<option value =$row[region_name]>$row[region_name]</option>"; } e...

Jquery Get Matched Selector Text From Inside Function

Is there any way to get the text of the selector that invoked some function (if it exists) from within the function? For example $('#foo, .bar').click(function() { // Here I want to figure out if there was a match on #foo, or .bar }); Basically I want to have a compounded selector like the one above (

Getting HTTP GET arguments in Python

I'm trying to run an Icecast stream using a simple Python script to pick a random song from the list of songs on the server. I'm looking to add a voting/request interface, and my host allows use of python to serve webpages through CGI. However, I'm getting hung up on just how to get the GET arguments supplied by the user. I've tried the ...

how to get all content (HTML Code) of any web page not in my server by php

how to get all content (HTML Code) of any web page not in my server by php ...

sending a value with input get ?

<a href="companies.php?id='. $_GET['id'] .'&offset='. $next_offset .'"><input id="button" type="button" value="More"/> i somehow want to send &offset=avalue but useing a input button. without the id. how can i do the similer thing with useing form action get ? like ( warning epic fail ) i should add a hidden input or something ? ...

how to access to file in another domain by ajax

How to access to file in another domain by ajax (I don't want use any php files) ...

[C#] Get only the first 10 number of a X lenght digit.

Hello all. I have a method , that calculates distance between two xyz cords, and return me a nice long double number like 10,12345678963235. But I only need 10,12345 , that would be enought for me. How can I do this? This is the method that returns me the value: public static double Distance(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) { return ...

Android get width returns 0

I creating all of the elements in my android project dynamically. I am trying to get the width and height of the button so that I can rotate the button around. Just trying to learn how to work with the android language. However, it is returning 0. I did some research and I keep seeing that it needs to be done somewhere other than in the ...

how to get <head> content of the current page with jquery or Jv

how to get <head> content of the current page ...

Paypal website payment standard NOT integrating with Java

hey people, I am stuck trying to integrate java and paypal together. I have posted here: any help would be greatly appreciated, please advise. ...

How to perform GET web requests to WCF Service Without WCF Client?

I want to send a GET web Request to a WCF service: for example to: http://TheirServerIP:PortNumber/TheirService/TheirServiceName.svc?op=theirWCFmethod i want to write a C# code in my page (web aplication) that send HTTP GET request to their service (without WCF Client) can i do that ? ...

select all li with a particual <span> and get link info within

I want choose all the li in my html that has the <span>Google Map</span> in it and apply and get the value in href with jquery. I tried going through jquey docs but coulding figure it out. Is this possible? <li><span>Google Maps Staic Link:</span> <a target="_blank" href="**Value To Get**" rel="nofollow">Map</a></li> The actual HTML...

How do I serve and log my current directory with a python web server?

I need to create a webserver that will respond to GET requests by serving pages from a specified folder, as well as log the pages the user is GETting, and the IP of the user. The main trouble comes from me not knowing how to serve the directory listing to the user when overriding the do_GET method. Here is my code so far: #!/usr/bin/...

WCF Method that receive GET AND SOAP Requests

i created a WCf service with a method that can receive GET requests using WebGET attribute, i want the same method to receive Soap calls too (that when the programmer does a Service reference to the WCF, he will be able to call the method). my interface is: [ServiceContract] public interface IService1 { [OperationContract] [Web...

Indy HTTP Client: sessions like in web browser

I'm making a program for registration on a website. For this, I use C++Builder and Indy (TIdHTTP). How it works: Program receives registration page via GET and extracts CAPTCHA picture address from it; downloads the CAPTCHA (GET) and serves it to user; sends the data provided by user to the website in POST request. Problem: The CAPT...

Returning a file to a WSGI GET request

Hi all, I'm new to WSGI on python; but have a windows server that's got isapi_wsgi installed on it. I also have a script that handles my GET requests all up and running great. The thing is, someone sends me a request, and I need to return a zip file to the requester. The following code is in my GET handler and it works, but doesn't seem...