
How can I create an animated .gif from a movie?

How can I create an animated .gif file from a movie I have? I guess it is pretty simple in objective-C and cocoa, by using the QTKit, to extract images from a movie, now how can I glue them together as an animated gif? ...

Compress GIF Images Quality in PHP ?

How would one compress GIF image file in PHP5 ? I know that its possible to do with JPG like this imagejpeg($resource, $filename, $quality) according to ...

GIF loading stops when I show it

Look this code: $('#loader').show(); $.post( '/action.php', function( data ) { // do anything with data $('#loader').hide(); } ); The loader DIV has a GIF image simulating loading state, This code works well but the GIF stops when is waiting the data (post called) ... I want the gif moves ever independently of the other codes in ...

How do I determine if a gif is animated?

I have large number of files with .gif extension. I would like to move all animated gifs to another directory. How can I do this using linux shell? ...

gd text and lines show up as grey in gif from Illustrator

I'm using gd in PHP to add some text to a gif image from Illustrator. I've added text and drawn figures, and no matter how I specify the color, they all show up as gray (I'm guessing 50% gray). I opened the image in MS Paint and re-saved it as a gif. When I did that, it gave a warning of color loss. However, the colors show up correctl...

Show loading GIF in jQuery without AJAX?

I know how to do this with $(gif).show(); $.post( action, data, function(result) { $(gif).hide(); } ); // using ajaxStart and ajaxStop is a better way too But, I don't know how to do it without using post, I tryed $(gif).show(); doAction(); // No post... $(gif).hide(); The problem is, while doAction function is running the $(...

Weird bugs with image thumbnails in PHP

On upload of images, the code creates several different thumbnails. In some cases, the thumbnail may be larger than the original image, in which case a padding is applied. In the case of JPEGs, the padding is white, and all is well. In the case of GIFs and PNGs, the padding should be transparent. And it is. Or not. Which is weird. If I ...

Image palette reduction

Hello SO, I am playing with computer graphics programming for the first time. Don't ask me why, but it feels like a good day to convert RGB (24bit) images, to indexed-palette (8bit) images (like GIF). How would one go about picking the optimal palette, for a given image? I just thought of going with k-means, with k=256. Any suggestions, ...

Python: Rare problem generating .gif with ffmpeg

Hi, I have a problem when I generate an animated gif from a movie.avi using ffmpeg from python in Win7. If I open a cmd window and execute this line: "C:\ffmpeg\ffmpeg.exe" -i "C:\ffmpeg\video.avi" -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 10.0 -loop_output 0 -ss 5 -t 10 -s 352x288 -f gif "C:\ffmpeg\video.gif" ffmpeg.exe generates a gif perfectly from the vi...

Very low quality gifs with ffmpeg ¿Its possible better quality?

Hi all, Im using ffmpeg.exe to generate Gifs from video files. I use this code: "C:\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe" -ss 455 -i "C:\\ffmpeg\\movie.avi" -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 0.05 -loop_output 0 -t 100 -s 720x400 -f gif "C:\\ffmpeg\\animation.gif" But the quality is really bad, I found in the web similar cases:

Encode GIF in J2ME

Hi, I have an Image object in J2ME and I'd like to enconde it to GIF. I've already found a JPEG and PNG encoder as well, but I'm wondering if it's possible to encode my Image in the GIF format, returning it's byte array. I'm doing something like this: ... Image img = Image.createImage(width, height); Graphics graphics = img.get...

C - Convert GIF to JPG

Hi all! I need to convert a GIF image to Jpeg image using C programming language. I searched the web, but I didn't find an example which could help me. Any suggestion are appreciated! EDIT: I want to do this using an cross-platform open-source library like SDL. ...

How to use JS to trigger a GIF animation?

I have an animated GIF that plays once (doesn't loop). I would like it to animate when clicked. I tried something like this: $('#plus').click(function(){ $('#plus').attr('src',''); $('#plus').attr('src','img/plus.gif') }); With the hope that quickly resetting the src would trigger the animation, but no luck. Anyone know ...

Which browsers do not support animated gifs?

It's seems like all major browsers (ie, firefox, safari, chrome) support animated gifs. Though I've been reading that IE might not be faithful to high frame rates. Who doesn't support animated GIFs? Iphone safari seems to just fine. What about other mobile browsers? ...