
What facebook embed code would I use to share an image link on my profile?

I want my users to be able to share a thumbnail that links back to my website. I am using this for my embed code. <a href="link_to_website"><img src="link_to_thumbnail" width="130" height="584"></img></a> I am also using Gigya for sharing and this embed code is not providing a link back to my website. I know this is possible because...

How to Access other values from Login Form using Acegi Plugin in Grails

I want to pass in other hidden values to the server on the form for login. Then I want to be able to do some other computations on the server where I have access to the form hidden parameters and also the newly authenticated user object. I was hoping to use the onInteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent event. However, I cannot find a po...

How to access the URL that Acegi has stored for after the login form in Grails

I'm integrating Gigya with a web app running Acegi. I have it working that the client side Gigya can authenticate an existing user and then skip the login form post and hit a controller method to inform the server securly that the user authentication has been performed by Gigya. Using the following code in my controller I'm able to tel...

Twitter login with giya plugin (for wordpress)

I have successfully installed gigya plugin in my wordpress.It is working fine for facebook but not for Twitter.Twitter was working fine yesteryday and I have login from one user. right now I can only login from that user. whenever i login from new twitter user it show "Unknown error." ...

In gigya wordpress plugin how i can use facebook like button.

I am using wordpress 3.0 and gigya plugin for connecting facebook.I want to add like button in my wordpress pages. So how i can add fb like button? ...

Gigya Logout Issue.

Hi, I am implementing gigya to authorise users from facebook, twitter, linkedin and gmail. Everthing works great as I need very little information. I am using socialize logout to logout users, but It does not work as desired, It logs out of the hosted site but not the service provider. Is there any option that I might have overlooked ...