
How can I create a custom cleanup mode for git?

I'd like to have a commit message cleanup that will not necessarily remove lines beginning with a # in the message itself. The default --cleanup=strip removes all lines starting with a # character. The reason being is unfortunately, the Trac engine's wiki formatter uses hashes in the beginning of a code block to denote the syntax type....

What happens when amending an old commit with git?

I don't really understand what happens if I check out an old commit, do some modifications, and commit using git commit --amend. Will that change automatically propagate to future commits? How does it work? ...

How to forbid git commit if there are untracked files?

Sometimes, it makes sense to forbid git commit when there are untracked files, because you should add them either to files to commit or gitignore. And an option like -f to force this commit is also necessary. So is there any option/plugin/etc to do that? Thank you very much. ...

Does GIT does the CRLF/LF conversion during commit or checkout(vi)?

I have a doubt now, does Git does the CRLF conversion during a commit or during a vi of the file? Let’s say I have some files in Windows with CRLF (not a Git repo), when I sync these files to a UNIX Git repo and do git add/commit with autocrlf true enabled, will these files get the conversion from CRLF to LF? Or does it do the convers...