
Git post-receive - how to check if pushed branch is merged with master

Hi In our team we are usually pushing all tasks into separate branches, and after that release-manager review those branches and merge them into 'master' branch Sometimes team-members forget to merge their branches with master branch(before pushing) - so what I'm trying to do is - output a message "Please merge with master" after user ...

Git for Websites / post-receive / Separation of Test and Production Sites

Hi all, I'm using Git to manage my website's source code and deployment, and currently have the test and live sites running on the same box. Following this resource originally, I came up with the following post-receive hook script to differentiate between pushes to my live site and pushes to my t...

Git post-receive hook not working

We're using git with a central repo (using Gitosis). I've created a post-receive hook to generate an email to the dev mailing list whenever changes are pushed to the central repo, and to generate documentation from the documentation folder in the git repo. Therefore, in ~git/ I've got a directory, we'll call it 'a' that contains a clone...

How can I get rid of the 'remote: ' messages that appear on every line returned by post-receive in git?

I've created a post-receive hook in git. The hook output messages to the screen, which are sent back to the git client doing the push, and outputted back. How can I get rid of the 'remote: ' text before every single line of output? It's rather distracting. (I know it's possible because I've seen it in practice, I just don't know how it...

Git: post-receive email hook to show an html formatted color diff?

I've got a diff e-mail sending using Git's post-receive e-mail hook (thanks to this SO post) but the e-mail that it sends is just plain text. I'd like something a big more colorful and well formatted. Is there a script or something I can run using the post-receive hook that will send a nicely formatted diff e-mail instead of the plain t...

multiple commands are not working in git post-receive

I'm using git with trac. After push I want two thing to be done: Sending email to development team with diff If there is some special phrase in commit message (like "see #1"), then I want the commit message to be placed in trac ticket. The first thing is solved by git-commit-notifier. It works perfectly after I have created post-rece...

Git Post-Receive Hook for Website Staging

I'm trying to set up Git for staging my website so that I can git pull to get the current version to work on locally and then git push to push the changes to the remote server. I've got it set up so that it works the way I want it to, but after I push, I have to manually run git checkout -f or git reset --hard HEAD on the remote server....