
Recovering 'old commits' from multiple git rebases

I am aware of this question, but not to sure how to map it to my current situation. (Rebase is scary, undoing rebase is double scary!) I started out with several different feature branches of my master: master x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x \ \ \ FeatureA 1-2-3 \ \ FeatureB A-B \ FeatureC ...

Aborted old git rebase and lost commits since the rebase started

Crap! About a week ago, I was rebasing some commits while trying to clean up my repository, and apparently I didn't actually finish it. Today, a week and several commits later, I went to rebase to reorder a few commits from today, and it told me I was already in the middle of a rebase. That should have been a cue to copy my repo just in...

Routinely sync a branch to master using git rebase

I have a Git repository with a branch that hardly ever changes (nobody else is contributing to it). It is basically the master branch with some code and files stripped out. Having this branch around makes it easy for me to package up a leaner version of my project without having to strip out the code and files manually every time. I hav...

It is possible to merge/rebase non direct relationship branches??

Hello, As a integration test I would like to join several branches before merging them with my master. All of them diverged from the master and make it's own way. It is a correct merging different branches with no direct-relationship (e.g. parent/child)?? Is there any good practise for rejoining branches?? Thanks in advance, Raul. ...

git rebase onto remote updates

I work with a small team that uses git for source cod management. Recently, we have been doing topic branches to keep track of features then merging them into master locally then pushing them to a central git repository on a remote server. This works great when no changes have been made in master: I create my topic branch, commit it, ...

Selecting merge strategy options for git rebase

git-rebase man page mentions -X<option> can be passed to git-merge. When/how exactly? I'd like to rebase by applying patches with recursive strategy and theirs option (apply whatever sticks, rather than skipping entire conflicting commits). I don't want merge, I want to make history linear. I've tried: git rebase -Xtheirs and git r...

git rebase without changing commit timestamps

Would it make sense to perform git rebase while preserving the commit timestamps? I believe a consequence would be that the new branch will not necessarily have commit dates chronologically. Is that theoretically possible at all? (e.g. using plumbing commands; just curious here) If it is theoretically possible, then is it possible in p...

Cherrypicking versus Rebasing

The following is a scenario I commonly face: You have a set of commits on master or design, that I want to put on top of production branch. I tend to create a new branch with the base as production cherry-pick these commits on it and merge it to production Then when I merge master to production, I face merge conflicts because even tho...

Why does git-rebase give me merge conflicts when all I'm doing is squashing commits?

We have a Git repository with over 400 commits, the first couple dozen of which were a lot of trial-and-error. We want to clean up these commits by squashing many down into a single commit. Naturally, git-rebase seems the way to go. My problem is that it ends up with merge conflicts, and these conflicts are not easy to resolve. I don't u...

Can tags be automatically moved after a git filter-branch and rebase?

edit The question boils down to "Can git rebase be instructed to rebase tags, too?" But an answer to the original question would also help. Asking How to prepend the past to a git repository? I followed these instructions. <edit>Then I rebased to include a file that was only in the snapshots, see here.</edit> Since history was rewritt...

git rebase. How Do I Use it to Collapse Reams of Ancient Commits

Hello Git Geeks, I now have a big honking, bloated, Git repository consuming mucho disk space on GitHub that I want to put on a diet. I need to discard ancient commits made early in the history of the project that are are essentially irrelevant to the current direction the project is going. I am - and will always be - the sole user o...

Git commit squashing (rebase -i): how do commits actually work?

I don't quite understand how the commits are squashed with git rebase -i. There is one thing I was left wondering: If my rebase -i produces this list: pick A Last commit pick B Commit pick C Some other commit Should I squash commits A and B or B and C? Problem is git said in this case that it would rebase D..A onto D (D being the l...

Conflict when squashing linear commit history

How is it possible that when trying to squash/fixup a linear branch I still have to do manual merges? The repo has been converted from Subversion. Every conflict is either "Automatic cherry-pick failed" or "Aborting commit due to empty commit message". The latter I could understand, but a --fixup-empty or something would be useful. Typi...

Create a git branch from selected commits on another branch

I created a "feature" branch off master and worked for a long while. I then fetched the latest master branch commits and rebased my "feature" branch commits on top of it. Then I merged "feature" into master. However, I forgot about the merge and continued committing into the "feature" branch. I want those commits in a new branch now,...

Why isn't 'git bisect' branch aware?

I'm trying to find the source of a bug that's come up since a commit in the past day on a long lived branch (which will be released much much later) called feature-x. There's a bug though. I find behavior that I don't expect from my script which might have been introduced in any of the commit's up till now, specifically because features...

Git - How to fix "corrupted" interactive rebase?

I managed to create a little mess in my local git repository. I was trying to fix a broken commit by using the following instructions. Before running the "git commit --amend" (and after the git rebase --interactive) I decided that my changes were incorrect and so I executed "git reset HEAD --hard". Not a good idea, I tell you. Now the i...

rebasing branch, which has own branches

I can't make git push origin B. I have situation something like this _____________________________________ A \ \ _____origin/B \ / \___________/____________. B\ \______________ ...

git rebase, "would be overwritten", and "No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?"

git rebase does not appear to work properly in certain cases where a file is added to the repository, then removed from the repository, then added to the working directory (but not the repository). Here's a more specific description of my problem: if a branch is created and switched to from some trunk, and a file X is added and commit...

how to setup this git workflow?

I want to be able to setup the following git workflow but it confusing as to which are the correct commands to use - rebase, remote, etc? Clone an open source project where I only have read only access to their git repo Make changes to the project and save those changes to my private github repo - lets call that 'development' Once dev ...

How to know if there is a git rebase in progress?

When I start a git rebase -i, I can issue commands like git rebase --continue, or git rebase --abort. Those commands only work if a rebase is in progress. How can I know if there is a rebase in progress? (I would greatly appreciate some details on how rebase works internally; what does git do to a repo that gives it the "rebase in prog...