
Undo change in git (not rewriting history)

I made a change in a script and committed it. Then I made a few other changes, and pushed them to a remote repository and such. Then I realised that first change I mentioned was stupid, and want to undo it.. Can I "unapply" that commit, without manually copy/pasting the diff? As an example: I have two files, and Commit 1: I...

Undoing a git pull --rebase

Hey I'm new to git and I need to undo a pull, can anyone help?!? So what I've done is... git commit git stash git pull --rebase git stash pop this created a bunch of conflicts and went a bit wrong. Now doing 'git stash list' reveals that my stash is still there. Is it possible to revert my repo back to the point just after doing git ...

Undo a particular commit in git

What is the simplest way to undo a particular commit that is: not in the head or HEAD Has been pushed to the remote. Because it is not the latest commit, git reset HEAD doesn't work. And because it has been pushed to a remote, git rebase -i and git rebase --onto will cause some problem in the remotes. More so, I don't wan...

git how to revert to specific revision

I have a git project. I just made a commit, then I deleted some directories. ops, my bad. Now I want to restore those directories that I have deleted. how do I do that? ...

Git: How to reset after merging?

I've merged a master branch from a friend's repository into my working directory into branch_a using: git pull my_friend master I've discovered that the merged version has errors. To continue development I would like to revert to my last commit before the merge. I tried: git reset --hard HEAD But that brought me back to the state r...

Is the full path required to unstage a file in GIT if am currenlty under a sub-directory?

Repo: mergetest $pwd /gitvobs/mergetest/apple $git status On branch br1 Changed but not updated: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) **modified: inside** $git checkout inside error: pathspec 'inside' did not match any file(s) known to gi...