
Merging in git: via git-svn, says Already Up-to-date, but git-diff says there are differences

I'm using git-svn to work with a codebase and I need to merge changes in trunk to my branch. I have both branches fetched in git, and when I run git diff trunk while in my branch, I can see all the changes. When I run git merge heads/trunk, however, I get a message "Already up-to-date". It's clearly not up to date. What am I doing wr...

View a git diff-tree in a reasonable format

Howdy, I'm about to do a git svn dcommit to our svn repo -- and as is recommended in a number of places, I wanted to figure out exactly what I was going to be committing with a dry run. As such I ran: git svn dcommit -n This produced output: Committing to http://somerepo/svn/branches/somebranch diff-tree 1b937dacb302908602caedf17981...

How can you indicate files to ignore in svn when using git and the git-svn bridge?

There is a master subversion repository that I've cloned a git repo from. I've got a lot of ignored files in my .gitignore that I'd like the svn repository to know about. I know that I can use git svn show-ignored to pull the ignored list from subversion, but how can I do the reverse? Send a list of files to be ignored back to the svn...

Git - How do I manage built files in different branches?

Some Background I have been using Git for a while now. The projects that I have been working on have not been too complicated in regards to branches/tags. I have decided to use git-svn at work. The SVN repository has many different branches. A lot of these branches are customer customized versions of the trunk. The Problem I often wo...

git-svn: reset tracking for master

I'm using git-svn to work with an SVN repository. My working copies have been created using git svn clone -s so that my working copy follows the default directory scheme for SVN (trunk, tags, branches). Recently I've been working on a branch which was created using git-svn branch myremotebranch and checked-out u...

Something wrong with deinstallation of GIT in Windows...

I tried to remove GIT on my windows-XP, by means of the Windows/Configuration/Software menu. After some error message (which I cannot remember), it removed all files. I checked it, and there are no files with ptp in the name left on the entire system. A problem remained however: each time I opened windows-explorer, a nasty error message...

How can I rate limit git-svn?

I'm looking to git-svn a large repo on a busy and underpowerd svn server. I would like to tell git-svn to be polite and not lag the server for people doing real work. Can I do this? ...

How do I show the SVN revision number in git log?

I'm customizing my git log to be all in 1 line. Specifically, I added the following alias: lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset - %C(yellow)%an%Creset - %s %Cgreen(%cr)%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative So, when I run git lg, I see the following: * 41a49ad - zain - commit 1 message here (3 hours ago) * 6087812 - zai...

Git force complete sync to master

My workplace uses Subversion for source control so I have been playing around with git-svn for the advantages of my own branches, commit as often as I want without touching the main repo, etc. Since my git svn checkout is local, I have cloned it to a network share as well to act as a backup. My thinking is that if my desktop takes a dum...

git format-patch < everything since last svn rebase >

I'm trying to mash all my changes since I last pushed to the svn server into one big patch that I can email to my coworker for review. Can I do this with git format-patch ? ...

How to recover from an unwanted rename using git-svn: "Transaction is out of date"

I'm using git-svn. I've moved file 'A' to 'B' and I'm up to date with the svn HEAD (using git svn rebase). I can commit all other changes without problems. Now I've decided that I want to move 'B' back to 'A' and commit that change. When I do the move and commit to my local master it works fine, but I get the following when doing a git ...

How can I push to a git-svn repo?

I cloned an svn repo with git svn clone ... and now I want to push changes to it. after that I will use this repo to rebase everything and commit back to svn. The problem that pushing to a non-bare repo seems to not be a good idea, and git svn seems unhappy about working with a bare one? ...

Using git-svn (or similar) just to help out with svn merge?

Some complex subversion merges are coming up in my project: big branches that have been apart for a long time. Svn gives too many conflicts - and some of them seem spurious. Given that git is praised for a superiour merge experience, Would it be any good to use git-svn just for the benefit of making the merge more manageable? Can y...

git merge different repositories?

I've been using SVN for all my projects. Sometimes project B is originating as a copy from project A. When project A has a generic change, I can use svn merge A within directory B and it will merge those changes. Now, if I wanted to use git. I don't like having all my projects in the same repository since I then have to clone everything...

Should .git folders be stored in my SVN repo?

I have a svn repo that has all my projects/main codebase. There are some dependencies on some external/third party code that will sometimes have a git repo along with it. My question is should I add the .git folders to my svn repo when I am commiting? I haven't figured out git-svn yet and I'm not sure what the workflow is, but just chec...

Why is the meaning of “ours” and “theirs” reversed with git-svn

I use git-svn and I noticed that when I have to fix a merge conflict after performing a git svn rebase, the meaning of the --ours and --theirs options to e.g. git checkout is reversed. That is, if there's a conflict and I want to keep the version that came from the SVN server and throw away the changes I made locally, I have to use ours,...

Git Clone from SSH Repository

I used to be able to clone from my personal git repository but now i seem to be running into an error. mikesilvis$ git clone { my ssh directory } server@ipaddress's password: remote: Counting objects: 3622, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2718/2718), done. error: git upload-pack: git-pack-objects died with e...

Getting started with git-svn, I'm missing something

OK, so I've managed to git svn clone http://repository/project MyProj And that gives me this hierarchy Project | |____branches | |____tags | |____trunk I was kind of hoping that in gitk --all I would see those branches translated into git branches. Was I expecting too much? The question is, where do I go from here? Do I ju...

git-svn branching

Hello, I am using git with an svn repository everything is going fine I did all my branching with git so I did not branch on svn but I branched with git and pushed those branches to a separate location. Then I commited changed from the branch when needed. But now I want to create some branches that actually exist on svn I tried: $ git ...

Using git svn with some awkward permissions

Due to some funky permissions on our client's side that we can't change, we have a project whose hierarchy looks something like: projectname/trunk: foo/, bar/, baz/ projectname/branches: branch1/, branch2/ (where branch1 and branch2 each contain foo, bar, and baz.) The thing is, I have no permission to access trunk, so I can't ju...