
git hooks push and local commits.

I have recently been writing git hooks for my project team. I would like to know if developers are making various commits locally, without following the standard commit message pattern. then they push those commits. Will there push fail because there commits weren't following the pattern? The desired result would be they are able to com...

git server side hooks

I am running into a problem when running the follow python script on the server looking for commit information for the push making sure it follows a particular syntax, I am unable to get input from the user which is why the username and password are hard coded. I am now also unable to get the list of commit message that occurred before t...

Git receive/update hooks and new branches

Hi, I have a problem with the 'update' hook. In the case of a new branch, it gets a 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 as the 'oldrev'. And I don't know how to handle that case. We have the requirement, that every commit message references a valid Jira issue. So I have installed an "update" hook on our central repository. That ho...

git hook post-merge - error: cannot run

To trigger a git hook after a pull i made a post-merge hook. The script looks like this: #!/bin/sh git log > gitlog.txt The file is called 'post-merge' and has the same owner as the one that runs the pull command. Also it has the right permissions : 755. When u do i git pull [remote] master i get this error: error: cannot run .git/h...

git post-commit hook - script on commited files

Hello, Can I see somewhere an example post-commit hook to run a script on each commited file? eg. git add file1 git add file2 git commit -am "my commit" and the hook executes: myscript -myparams "file1" myscript -myparams "file2" The best would be to have parameter to commit command to run this hook or not, eg. git commit -X… e...

Git remote/shared pre-commit hook

With a one official repository as the remote, and multiple local repositories cloned from it, can a pre-commit hook be scripted on that main repository and be enforced on all clones of it? ...

Manage http access to git repositories using gitosis

[Update 9/16/2010] After looking into this last night, I realized that my original question was really asking 2 separate things: 1) Is it possible to set the post-update hook for all remote repositories created by gitosis (i.e. not have to manually perform mv hooks/post-update.sample hooks/post-update for after creating a repository in...

Send mail after git commit not push

I need to send email with diff after commit to the repository. I know how to send emails after push, but it is not working for commits. For pushes I've created hook post-receive that gets parameters . But the hook post-commit does not recieve any parameters and because of that I can't use my script that sends mail. Maybe there is a w...

git: who pushed in post-receive hook

How do I determine who pushed to the repository? I.e. Somebody does git push origin master and in the post-receive hook on the origin repo I need to use the name or e-mail of Somebody. ...

git: empty arguments in post-receive hook

I'm writing post-receive hook basing on the post-receive-email script from the contrib dir, but it seems that the oldrev and newrev arguments are empty. The script looks like this: #!/bin/bash oldrev=$(git rev-parse $1) newrev=$(git rev-parse $2) The script runs on push, but all $1, $2, $oldrev and $newrev are empty. Should I config...

List of useful git tools

Reading SO I still find nice, new tools for using with git. If you know any, please share it answering this question. My first proposal is: gitolite, a tool for managing access to git repositories, which is an newer version of gitosis. (Please post one tool for an answer, with short description, so we could easily comment them). So: ...

Git: convert carriage return \r to new line \n with git hook?

A fellow coder uses a Windows computer that is putting carriage returns everywhere in our source. Is there a way to write a git hook that converts all \r\n to \n? Note I haven't used git hooks before, so a little extra hand-holding might go a long way :) ...

Prevent pushes to git containing tabs in certain files (e.g. *.cpp, *.h, CMakeLists.txt)

I'd like my remote repository to refuse any pushes that contains a file that contains a tab, but only if the file belongs in a certain class (based on the filename). Is that possible? I have looked a bit at the update hook in githooks, and I think that is the correct one. So in short, a push should be rejected if: there is a file of ...

getting "fatal: not a git repository: '.'" when using post-update hook to execute 'git pull' on another repo

I'm new to git so I apologize (and please correct me) if I misuse terminology here, but I'll do my best. I'm trying to set up a bare git repo (hub) and a development site working copy (prime) on a web server. I've tried to pattern it after this article. I want the development working copy to be updated whenever the hub repo is pushed to...