
GLScene camera question

I have a GLScene object of varying, but known size. It is completely surrounded by a TGLDummyCube. I want to position the GLCamera (CameraStyle: glPerspective) so that the object is completely visible on screen. I got this running basically - the object is visible, but the distance is sometimes too far, or the object is larger than the ...

Determining intersection with frustum in GLScene

Hello, using GLScene in delphi I need to find the intersection between an object (a line or plane is enough) and the visible space, to determine what part of this object is currently showing. I tried getting the view frustum but I couldn't find how. I was thinking of using camera's position, direction and field of view, but I suspect the...

Off-screen OpenGL rendering using Mesa3D in a Win32 service

Various questions have been posted on the subject of off-screen rendering, especially as it concerns a Win32 service, such as the following questions in which Mesa3D has been suggested as an option...

GLScene Basic facial expression

i need help on how to do basic facial expression on GLScene like moving the eyes lips eyebrows etc. the 3ds mesh is already given. Any idea? example on but i only need the basic. ...