
PHP session not working with JQuery Ajax?

Update, Solved: After all this I found out that I was calling an old version of my code in the update ajax. 'boardControl.php' instead of 'boardUpdate.php' These are the kinds of mistakes that make programing fun. I'm writing a browser gomoku game. I have the ajax statement that allows the player to play a piece. $(document).ready(fu...

How do i start with Gomoku?

I read about Gomoku that it can be implemented using Minimax and Alpha-Beta Pruning algorithms. So, i read these algorithms and now understand how the game will be solved. But when i sat to down to code, I am facing problem how to approach it. As in , How to design the prototype functions like getNextMove or Max(Move) ? How will the...

Gomoku array-based AI-algorithm?

Way way back (think 20+ years) I encountered a Gomoku game source code in a magazine that I typed in for my computer and had a lot of fun with. The game was difficult to win against, but the core algorithm for the computer AI was really simply and didn't account for a lot of code. I wonder if anyone knows this algorithm and has some lin...