
Link google analytics (private account) with Adwords (client account)

I have a Google Analytics account with all my (en my clients) websites linked in it. This is great to manage all analytics in one place. I'm now running a Google Adwords campaign for a client (with another email address than my google analytics account) and I want to keep track of Adwords stats in Google analytics. Is that even possibl...

How to toggle the visibility of a script tag?

How do I toggle the visiblity of a <script> tag in the markup? Have the following javascript code in my master page: <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "

Changing page location after google analytics setup

The current website structure is setup such that all the ASPX pages are in the main folder. It's becoming increasingly difficult to maintain, so I would like to create new folders and move the relevant pages. This would change the URL from say: to I fear th...

Confirming Google Analytics Install in Flash Environment using AS3 Mode

Just created a new GA account and initialized my tracker in AS3. How can I confirm that it is installed and working correctly? In GA web view it shows "Tracking Not Installed" but when I use the "visualDebug" parameter (set to true) in Flash, it appears to be sending OK via trackEvent. Would it not show up as installed since it's not on ...

how to create an analytics tool?

hi! what should i learn in order to develop a (good and realtime) analytics tool? i think i should learn a lot of javascript, but i need some guidance... and i think i should also learn php... could you help me? which languages are better to capture, process and display analytics data (such as ip adress, country, date, time, os, brows...

RSS feed stats in Django?

I have a Django site segmented into different city and neighborhood sub-sections. I want to serve an RSS feed for each. Easy. Problem is I wanted to use Feedburner for stats, monetization etc but each feed would need to be split out manually into its own feedburner URL. There are hundreds of cities and neighborhoods. I have to roll my ow...

Can I use Google Analytics to track usage of a Greasemonkey script?

I've got a greasemonkey script and I'd like to get an idea of how many regular users I have, what I'd really like is to use Google analytics inside the script. But I'm not sure how to do it if it's even posible. Also, the site the GM script is running on also has Analytics so would this clash prevent me from doing it? ...

Adwords/Anayltics: How can I see conversions statitics based on browser type

After a redesign of our site we're facing some conversion loss and I suspect that there's a problem with some browser that Í haven't checked. Is there any way in analytics or adwords to get conversion statistics based on browser type? ...

Outbound link tracking - Google Analytics' _trackEvent() and Omniture's

We have a site that uses both Omniture and Google Analytics. Ideally, we want to report in both suites on clicks to outbound links. I'd like to do this the "right way," i.e. overcoming the race condition that occurs when requesting a site and the tracking pixel at the same time. See:

Does Google Analytics tracking code still working if I call it has an external script?

I added it like this: </div><!-- .container --> </div><!-- #footer --> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/google-analytics.js"></script> </body> </html> I did this last night and still having the warning sign. ...

Google analytics event tracking not working.

I have this code setup to track image downloads throught Google Analytics. <a href="/media/37768/CC20100117m001_thumb_2000.jpg" onclick="pageTracker._trackEvent('Image', 'Download', 'file.jpg');" class="hi-res track"> Hi-Res</a> But the events don't ever show up in the GA reports. I thought maybe the the browser was followin...

Track Page Views with jQuery??

Hello, I have created an online magazine (that I hope will take off someday) using wordpress. I would like to be able to track the number of page views of each item without using a wordpress plugin. What is the best solution?? Should I use jQuery to track page views and then insert that data into a custom wordpress table? Or is it p...

Google Analytics domain data without filtering

I run a web service with many sub-sites. Example URLs of sub sites: etc (around 3,000 currently and growing). We currently offer basic stats reporting (page views and unique pageviews) that we can get from Google analytics (we currently process a XML file of the /sub/ drilldo...

Google Analytics: External .js file

Just to confirm... file: google.js var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-11510668-1"); pageTracker._trackPagev...

Embeddable Google Analytics "Flair"?

Now that Google Analytics has an official API, are there any implementations of a small, minimalistic "Flair" like snippet showing a customizable selection of stats, say for example, today's and the week's visitors, and maybe a chart or two - to embed into one's own admin panels and back-end applications? I am ideally looking for imple...

When and how does Asynchronous Google Analytics execute?

I'm switching over our site to use Asynchronous Google Analytics, and I'm curious about it's method of pushing events to the _gaq array. Near as I can tell, events are placed into a waiting pattern in _gaq while the ga.js script is being asynchronously downloaded. Do they fire once the script is downloaded, and how are post-document load...

Google Analytics E-commerce Tracking Issue

I have ecommerce tracking set up on my site and in google analytics. The problem is that sometimes it tracks the e-commerce sales but sometimes it doesn't. Here is the code which is being output before my closing body tag: <!-- BEGIN GOOGLE ANALYTICS CODE --> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ var _gaq = _gaq || []; _...

Found '/prc0/0/615/igtime35545.7030001562' in my analytics top contents

Found that path in my analytics 'top content' pages. What is that? I googled but didn't find anything. ...

Where can I find some presentation on Google Analytics backend architecture?

What I would like to know is where or what do they use to store all that traffic information for millions of websites? How to they process it? ...

Combining JavaScript for Google Analytics with yours. (Asynchronous tracking.)

I have a JavaScript file which is loaded up at the end of my HTML page. Rather than adding the script code for asynchronous tracking for Google in yet another script I would rather combine the two scripts together. So instead of this: <html> ... <script src="myScript.js"> <!-- google analytics --> ...