
javascript - Detect if Google Analytics is loaded yet?

I'm working on a project here that will store some info in Google Analytics custom variables. The script I'm building out needs to detect if GA has loaded yet before I can push data to it. The project is being designed to work across any kind of site that uses GA. The problem is reliably detecting if GA has finished loading or not and is...

Can Google Analytics Track Results from Form POST action?

My product search on my website uses HTTP POST to submit the search information. I want to track the search results page, learning what people are searching for and the results that they get. I'm told that I have to switch to using HTTP GET to make that happen. Is there a way to keep using HTTP POST and still have Google Analytics pick ...

Google-Analytics API to track Site Search?

So there's this nifty _trackPageview() api method on a tracker object, but is there a corresponding method that can be used to manually track a search? In other words, _trackPageview() reports to GA that a user hit a page. I want something like _trackSearch("terms") that would report to GA that a user searched for something. ...

Anyone know a Google Analytics Style jquery Date Selector

Here's what Google Analytics has: I haven't been able to find one in jQuery anywhere. Anyone seen it? Would be hot right. ...

Multi-domain setup on Google Analytics

We have a dozen or so sites, as well as the occasional subdomains so: etc We have been using separate GA codes for each site. This works fine, but it means that adding a new site means getting a new code and we can't tell overall stats (e.g. how many people have visited all sites etc). If we wen...

Two separate sites, one ecommerce site Google Analytics question

We have two separate families of sites ( and offspring [ etc.] and and offspring). sites and sites are tracked separately using Google Analytics. sites uses for ecommerce, with GA code for being on If we also want to use di...

Google Analytics Mobile (ipod/iphone) Custom Variables tracking

Hi there guys, It's a bit of time I'm using analytics in my iPhone applications and I find it very useful...but apparently it seems to give me only the ability to track pageviews and events. I just would like to know if there's a way to track even custom variables defined by me, as web analytics does. I.e. I'm releasing the new version...

How to aggregate analytics from Google, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc

I have a video blog for which I would like to track certain statistics, including stats from Google Analytics, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc. The problem is that the various stats are on different websites, which require different logins, etc. It takes a long time to actually view everything. I am looking for a way to be able to aggre...

Cannot get Google Analytics API to register page views on iPhone

I would like to gather usage statistics for my iPhone app using Google Analytics so I'm trying to configure it using the following tutorial: I think I did everything they indicate in the documentation, and I get no error on the iPhone side, but I don'...

username Logging on google analytics

All, I have a site named To track the activities on this website i have used google analytics. Ans to access the user has to be logged in. i.So my question is how do we track the usernames logged into the account. ii.How to keep track of all the links that is clicked on the website.(Will google analytics listout all th...

managing redirection with google analytics

Hi, I have a site that contains the file redirect.php?id=123 It redirects folks to another site using an id it pulls from the database. I'd like to track the page on Google Analytics, see where users are coming from, and what popular sites they're going to.. ect. I currently set up the page so that it pulls (with PHP) the link from t...

Event tracking data - How long to show?

Hi All, I have set up event tracking for the first time with Google analytics. My account is receiving normal traffic data but the test clicks I am doing are not showing??? Added ga.js tracking code to bottom of doc before closing : <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://s...

What is this obscure error in Google Analytics tracking code on a _trackEvent() call?

I am calling the Google Analytics _trackEvent() function on a web page, and get back an error from the obfuscated Google code. In Firebug, it comes back "q is undefined". In Safari developer console: "TypeError: Result of expression 'q' [undefined] is not an object." As a test, I have reduced the page to only this call, and still ge...

How to trigger Google Analytics events from Python?

I'm developing a site that has a REST API and I'd like to track the API usage using Google Analytics events. Is there a straightforward way to trigger GA events from Python that doesn't involve loading up an entire webbrowser component just to send a javascript request? ...

Question on Google Analytics

The below code is for Retrieve user Accounts on Google Analytics. My question is what is to be replaced instead of the code ga:AccountName and ga:ProfileId in the below code To find the visitors logged in on the site. /* * Retrieve 50 accounts with profile names, profile IDs, table IDs * for the authenticated user */ // Create the...

Website redevelopment and preserving Google Analytics

I'm currently working on a project to re-develop a public sector website. The website uses Google Analytics and has done since April 2007, so alot of data has been captured. The new site will be developed using MVC and as part of the the redevelopment we want to make the URL's more SEO friendly by getting rid of the ?id=123 and ...

Create an "sub" account on Google Analytics through an API dynamically

Does anyone know how (if possible) to create an account dynamically? I have a few accounts I need to setup on Google Analytics, and I would love to not have to manually enter each one on GA's site. Thanks for your help! ...

Why does Google Analytic request a GIF file?

Why does Google Analytic request a GIF file? Is it because the GIF allows access to more data than JavaScript alone. Is it to get the IP address of the user? ...

How to track a download page with google-analytics and php?

Hi, I have a download page in php that after performing some checks returns a file, without displaying any html: header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=xyz.exe'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); ...

google analytics database

does anybody know how data in google analytics is orginized? Difficult selection from large amounts of data they perform very-very fast, what structure of database is it? ...