
Why does using target="_blank" cause Javascript to fail?

I have a bunch of links that use a target="_blank" attribute to open in a new window. I want to attach Google Analytics goal tracking to clicks of these links. To do this, I tried attaching an onclick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/event/outgoing')" attribute to the links. But I discovered that for links with a target="_blank" attri...

Tracking submissions of a form which doesn't submit anywhere

I have an overlay with form (just a radio button group with 3 buttons and a submit button) that, on submit, uses jQuery to open a specific file (a PDF) in a new tab and then close the overlay. The file depends on which button was selected. The problem: the form doesn't actually submit so I don't know how to track submissions, and the cli...

High Bounce Rates (99%) When Installing Two Google Analytics Trackers

I have one Google Analytics tracker (pageTracker) installed across my website. I want to install a second Google Analytics tracker (pageTracker2) so I can send data into another account. To test all this, I installed pageTracker2 only on one page: my splash page. When I go into Google Analytics and look at the data for this splash page ...

Google Analytics-like module for Drupal site behind firewall?

Anyone know how to use Google Analytics for a Drupal-powered company intranet site behind our firewall? and/or Anyone know of a good analytics-style module for Drupal that can tell us things like visitor browser/versions, OS, monitor size, etc. ? Pretty graphs and charts nice but not required. Or at the least a recipe for rolling our o...

Google Website Optimizer Multivariate test not saving __utmx cookie?

Hi there, I'm trying to run a multivariate test across 3 pages, google says this should be ok, as long as you use the same section names, it doesn't care about the url so much. so I have checked in google optimizer, it says all my scripts are set up correctly. Also the strange thing is it DOES work, it replaces the content, but it neve...

Google Website Optimizer and user-defined variables

I'm trying to merge my Google Website Optimizer A/B testing with Google Analytics (in order to see how page variations affect stats like bounce rate, time on site, etc.). Eric Vasilik, who I believe works at GWO, recommends a technique for doing this that involves setting a user-defined GA variable that is dependent on what page variati...

Analytics Tracking of a dynamic page

I am using Google analytics and wish to differentiate between two different cases on the home page, specifically depending on the user being logged in or logged out (similar to facebook). It was suggested to use a different URL for each page, but I am loathe to do at it involves modifying the website structure and involves needless redi...

php google analytics question about redirect with 'header'

Hay All. I'm currently working on a 'checkout' system, the actual payment and stuff is done by a third party. When a user checks out using a form it sends all the GET data to some other site, lets call this ''. So the query string is ''. What i want to do is put a page between my form and this call...

Problem dispatching with google mobile analytics for iphone

I have integrated Google mobile analytics into my iphone app, but for some reason the page views and events are not dispatching. I put this into my app delegate applicationDidFinishLaunching method (i've x'd out the UA string): [[GANTracker sharedTracker] startTrackerWithAccountID:@"UA-xxxxxx-x" dispatchPeriod:10 delegate:self]; NSErr...

How do I extract Google Analytics campaign data from their cookie with Javascript?

I'd like to be able to pull out the data stored in the Google Analytics tracking cookie with all the campaign tracking information using Javascript. It needs to work with the newer version of GA using ga.js, not urchin.js. I found a method that works with urchin.js but we don't use that for our tracking. Does anybody know how to extra...

Google Analytics code: can it go before in the document?

Google recommends to put the analytics code just before the <body> tag. I'm trying to integrate ecommerce in my site and it'd be easier to call pageTracker._addTrans from other places than the footer. Will it be ok if I change ... <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." ...

tidy google analytics

I'm a bit of a nut about clean HTML, is there a tidier way to implement Google analytics? I feel like if I move it to a .js file it won't work. ...

Google Analytics Event Tracking As Client Side Error Log

I'm currently using Google Analytics Event Tracking to track user interface interactions in my web application. Since our system doesn't currently have a way to log client side errors, as a quick fix I've put event tracking code in catch blocks and web service error handlers. Does anybody else do this? Is it effective, or would you re...

How to Master Google Analytics

My task is to tweak Google Analytics to fit complex needs for statistics of our website. Google Analytics looks quite straightforward but on the other hand it seems to have lots of advanced features and endless possibilities and I don't want to learn by trial and error. I want to approach this task professionally. What book, website o...

How to Add script codes before the </body> tag ASP.NET

Heres the problem, In Masterpage, the google analytics code were pasted before the end of body tag. In ASPX page, I need to generate a script (google addItem tracker) using codebehind ClientScript and put it before the end of body tag, because this script uses the google analytics variables. How can i achieve this? ...

GData Error: Intermittent "Invalid root element"

I'm sending GData queries to renders traffic charts for users of using the Java GData package. However, this exception is sometimes thrown: [Line 1, Column 0] Invalid root element, expected (namespace uri:local name) of ( Atom:feed), found (:feed The only mention of this error I can find online ...

Google Analytics _trackEvent troubles.

I'm having some noob troubles with Google Analytics and _trackEvent. Using it seems straight forward in the documentation, but I can't get this simple example to work. The call to _trackEvent fails with 'TypeError: o is undefined' The call to _trackPageview is succeeding and I can see it updated in the analytics dashboard. I tried pe...

Google Analytics--My second profile to an existing domain not tracking

Hey Guys, I created a second profile to my Analytics account to track SEO keywords. This is a second profile for my existing working domain. It has been 4 days and I still do not see any traffic on this secondary profile. The profile shows a Staus of "Unknown". But I do not see a way to validate it like you have to when you create y...

Google Analytics Tracking Code and Document.write causing requests to localhost?

Google Analytics recommends that the code below be inserted before the </body> tag on all web pages on our website to enable visitor tracking. <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytic...

track visits from nonbrowser application using google analytics

is it possible use google analytics to track visits from nonbrowser application? will ga be able to recognize custom user agents or other http headers? Anyone has experience in this area? thanks! ...