
Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking

When using the Ecommerce methods in Google Analytics do you also make calls to the normal tracking methods as well? When we first added GA too our site a few years ago we left it off of the sales pages as we wanted to be careful about what information might be sent to Google. But now that I'm adding Ecommerce tracking to these pages I'm...

How to retreive exact user-agent string from Google Analytics

Good day! We have an interesting 'bug' in our JS code that only fires when a user agent has a specific combination of parameters -- specifically when IE8 sends both Trident/4.0 and MSIE 6.0; We have checked the GA export data; it appears to export only the pre-digested browser information:

do i need to call _gaq.push(['_trackPageView']) more than once on a page when using goog analytics asynchronous code?

i am using the vanilla ga asynchronous code thusly, right before end of </head>: <script> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-xxxxxxx-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' ==

Goals in Google Analytics do not work

Hello I cannot figure out how to get Google Analytics Goals to work: URL in Google Analytics report: /relay/v2/relay.cgi/ (Above URL is taken straight from the Google Analytics r...

New Google Analytics code into external file

New Google Analytics code looks like one below: <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-0000000-00']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protoc...

Google Analytics for Android using multiple Activities

I'm trying to integrate Google Analytics into my Android project using the information on the website of the respective SDK. However, there is very little documentation available. My project has 6 different Activities and I noticed that using the method on the website results in a unique visit in Google Analytics for each Activity that i...

google analytics js not loading

Hi, I am having problems with ga.js not loading sometimes. In firebug it just shows a connection being tried but it sometimes never makes it. This happens more than half the time and I cant believe that googles servers are not serving the scripts. In fact I can load the ga.js in my browser and it loads fine every time, so why does it no...

Conversion tracking with Google Analytics on 3rd party (off-site) shopping cart

Hello, I have the following scenario: The user has an on-site shopping cart where he adds products. When the user clicks on checkout he is POSTed to a script that computes the buy link to an off-site shopping cart and redirects him with the Location header. The user continues with the payment in the 3rd party website. What I need is...

Is it possible to update Google Analytics Ecommerce data?

We're using Google Analytics to track ecommerce transactions on our website ( _trackTrans() ). However, We often have cases where the final value of an order is not known until well after the user has left the site. It would be nice to be able to update the transaction items / amounts in an offline process we could run periodically. ...

Garb request to Google Analytics fails from home ISP, but works elsewhere.

I'm trying to use the garb gem to access data from the Google analytics API and find that http requests using garb work just fine from a Linode account, but are refused from home (Comcast). Is Google rejecting some kinds of http requests from certain ISPs, or am I just doing something wrong? Simple example is below: require 'garb' Ga...

Trying to track number of clicks in user's emails

Hi everyone. My issue is as follow: I'm trying to count the number of clicks on ads in our newsletter. The thing is I can't include js in emails - it's understandable. So I found a way around this by writing this small piece of code: <script type="text/javascript" src="

How to track a completed file download in ASP.NET

Hi everybody, I have this ASP.NET web site that allows users to download program installation packages (just normal files). I want to be able to track when a download is completed (i.e. the file has been fully downloaded to the user's computer) and then invoke a Google Analytics script that reports a completed download as a 'Goal' (obvi...

Google Analytics - multiple domain tracking

Hi, Could anyone clarify how the GA actions _gaq.push(['_link', <href>]); and _gaq.push(['_linkByPost', <form>]); work? I'm not interested on how to use them as presented in the documentation. I understand those scenarios. I want to know more about what they do when called. Edit: I suspect how this works but I need some confirmation ...

How do I ensure that Google Analytics is loaded before calling it's functions?

After reading a blog post, I got the idea to add safety code to ensure that the Google Analytics objects are fully loaded before calling it's functions. Typicle Google Analytics code goes something like: var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("X-UAXXXXX"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); and pageTracker._addItem( bla bla ); pageTracker._t...

Can I find the most popular keyword for a particular page using the google analytics api?

I was hoping to to use the analytics api to find out the most popular search terms (organic) that lead to a particular page. Is this possible? I've trawled the documentation and found this which looks as if it outlines all possible data I can retrieve from the API and I can't see this information here.

Google Analytics - how to track clicks on a screen?

Can I track the click of every link, button, dropdown select, etc. on a screen and have it be tracked in Google Analytics? I want to create a page and collect data on which widget the users use most. What about AJAX stuff? What if you're using jQuery or Mootools...can you get the functions to register a fake URL with GA based on user ...

Regular Expression Match for Google Analytics Goal Tracking

I have a coupon request form on every page on my website, when the coupon form is submitted you are taken to the same page you are on with an additional "?coupon=sent" parameter added to the query string. I would like to be able to track any page url wiht ?coupon=sent on the end as a goal. Currently, I have this: /[^.][.php][\?coupon...

How do I track Fancybox clicks in Google Analytics?

I have a page with 24 links that each open up a .html file in a modal window with Fancybox, and each .html file has a video embedded in it. How do I track to see who is opening which videos? ...

Guidance for retrieving number of page views using Google Analytics API

An answer of the question Best grails implementation for tracking number of views (or unique visitors) for a web page ? was to use Google Analytics API for tracking and displaying the number of page views for some particular page on my website. I liked the idea and had a look of the Google Analytics API but, at first view, it seems to ...

Adding Google Analytics to Adobe Air HTML/Javascript App

Hi There I am attempting to add google analytics tracking to an Adobe Air app created with HTML and javascript. I have tried adding the ga.js file and using it like I would in a webpage: <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/js/ga.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-********-1"); ...