
google chrome returns wrong window height?

hi, i have been working on this script it seems like only google chrome is returning a wrong window height and thus sets the height of the divs wrong, leaving a white space between the red and blue divs. strangely enough this only happens when you load the page for the first time in a new wind...

How can Google Chrome isolate tabs into seperate processes while looking like a single application?

We have been told that Google Chrome runs each tab in a separate process. Therefore a crash in one tab would not cause problems in the other tabs. AFAIK, multi-processes are mostly used in programs without a GUI. I have never read any technique that could embed multiple GUI processes into a single one. How does Chrome do that? I am a...

javascript XSL in google chrome

Hi, I'm using the following javascript code to display xml/xsl: function loadXMLDoc(fname) { var xmlDoc; // code for IE if (window.ActiveXObject) { xmlDoc=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); } // code for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc. else if (document.implementation && document.implementation.createDocument) { ...

Starting Development for Google Chrome....Getting Started Issues!

Our organization has decided that my project will be developed for internal use with the Google Chrome browser. So yesterday I started looking around the internet for just how I would go about doing that. I found the development tool and have been trying to install it using the instructions found here:

Google Chrome: XMLHttpRequest.send() not working while doing POST.

I'm working on an application that allows the user to send a file using a form (a POST request), and that executes a series of GET requests while that file is being uploaded to gather information about the state of the upload. It works fine in IE and Firefox, but not so much in Chrome and Safari. The problem is that even though send() ...

Part 2. of developing for Chrome

I have made the lovely discovery that Jquery corners are not working on Chrome. Any solution for that? I just figured out that when I turn of my config.js file that holds this (rounded corners functions): $(document).ready( function(){ if(navigator.appName!="Microsoft Internet Explorer") { $('.round_10px').corners("10px"); ...

Google Chrome upload button is rendered oddly

I put upload button to my webpage, but oddly Google Chrome renedring of upload is very odd. It has this text ("E...a") which I have never ever entered anywhere and it dosen't look at all like other browsers renedering. Are there any ways to make Chrome upload button to look like it looks in other browsers? ...

Compose e-mail via URL-params (googlemail)

I'm working on an extension for chrome, where i need to compose gmail messages from URL. Anyone knows how i set the recipient and the subject via URL-Param?? Is there a better approach to do that or is this even possible? Thx ...

Google Chrome KeyCode Assignment

I'm using javascript to make the keyboard input upper case. For example if I type a lowercase 'a', the window.event.keycode is 97. Does any one know if the following works in Chrome. Works fine in IE window.event.keycode = 97 - 32; should be an upper case 'A' ...

problem with window.close and chrome

Im trying to close a child window with javascript and in firefox everything works fine but in chrome the window doesnt close here is what im using $(document).ready(function() { if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed) window.opener.location = "" window.close(); }); I tried a suggestion on goo...

Setting -webkit-gradient backgrounds via jQuery doesn't work

Defining gradients in CSS works fine, but when I try to do this with jQuery, nothing changes. Typing $('#header').css({background: '-webkit-gradient(linear, 0% 0%, 100% 100%, from(#cfc), to(#afa)'}); in Chrome's (, Linux) JS console (in page's script tag too) really does nothing (but returns jQuery object, so it's valid). Tr...

Chrome and Safari XSLT using JavaScript

I have the following code that applies a XSLT style Test.Xml.xslTransform = function(xml, xsl) { try { // code for IE if (window.ActiveXObject) { ex = xml.transformNode(xsl); return ex; } // code for Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, etc. else if (document.implementation && doc...

Box model hack not working in Internet Explorer 8

I have two nested divs that are supposed to both be 400 pixels tall. The sidebar div shows up correctly in Chrome and Firefox, but in Internet Explorer 8 I'm having trouble getting it to be wide enough AND tall enough due to Internet Explorer's screwed up box model. I've tried using the box model hack to fix it, but it didn't appear to...

Google Chrome height includes URL bar

When we open a window using:"/calendar",'calendar','width=950,height=576,titlebar=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no'); Firefox 3 and IE 7 open it to have a content area height of 576 plus the browser items (URL bar, status bar, etc). Chrome however opens it to have a total height of 576 meaning a scro...

Is there any equivalent to IE conditional comment for chrome and safari?

I am wondering if there is any thing which works like ie conditional comment for webkit. I want to change width. For example, <!--[if IE]> <link href="css/ie.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <![endif]--> Thanks in advance. ...

Display inconsistencies between Chrome and FF/IE

I'm fairly new/inexperienced with web programming, but I'm trying to spruce up my Dad's website a bit. I made some (I believe..) fairly inconsequential changes to this faq page: (the original can be seen at Now Firefox and IE aren't displaying the form...

jQuery Code is working on Google Chrome but not Firefox,IE and even Safari

Hi everyone, I wrote this code and it is working nicely in Google Chrome but when it comes to Firefox and other major browsers, it is not even changing a little bit thing : jQuery("div[style*='line-height:25px']").contents(":not(nodeType!='1',br)").wrap("<div style='margin-bottom:9px;line-height:normal;margin-top:4px'>"); jQuery("div[s...

Google Chrome Extension - Accessing The DOM

I have been searching around the web to find out how to access the current tabs DOM to extract information out of a page from the background.html. So far I have had no luck, or at least nothing I could get to work properly. To state the problem simply. I would like to get src of a iFrame on the page. Any Suggestions? ...

How to turn off alerts caused by flash player's content taking too long to load in chrome?

How does one turn off the 'plugin unresponsive' alert when using chrome? ...

Cross Browser Addons

I'm looking to make a browser add-on as widely and easily distributable as possible. Is there a set of wrapper addons for all the major browsers that will let me write one piece of code and it can execute in any of the environments? I don't need anything fancy, just DOM and some ajax stuff. Something along the lines of greasemonkey fo...