
Google Maps API v3: Is there a callback or event listener for a setMap() event?

I am using Google Maps API v3 on a website I am developing. I have a drop-down box beneath my map which allows the user to switch between different sets of markers to be displayed on the map. Each marker is displayed using marker.setMap(). My problem is that the map sometimes takes a long time to display the new markers, especially in I...

RGB value to HSL converter

Google maps api v3 allows "styles" to be applied to the map, including setting the color of various features. However, the color format it uses is HSL (or what seems like it): hue (an RGB hex string) lightness (a floating point value between -100 and 100) saturation (a floating point value between -100 and 100) (from the docs) I ma...

How to offset the center of a Google maps (API v3) in pixels?

I was wondering if it is possible to offset the center of a map in Google maps api v3. I would like to control this offset in pixels, since by lat and lng seems wrong and very difficult to predict. I just need to place a marker, and then offset the center by 250px so I can place some other content in the middle of the map. Hope someon...

Google Maps API Marker Images not showing in Internet Explorer

Hi, I'm using Google Maps API Javascript V3 and I have a problem where in Internet explorer, my marker images aren't appearing but according to Adobe Browserlab, other browsers have no problem. The coordinates are being read from a div called "hidden". Here is my code: <script type="text/javascript"> function initialize() { var cent =...

Google Maps v3 API: KML layer messing with click, mouse events

Help! I'm working on a project where, after creating some nice code for creating polygons and attaching mouse events to them, the addition of KML layers (mainly placemarkers) results in uncooperative behaviour between the placeholders of the KML layer and the generated polygons. If I create the polygons first and set the KML file after...

To use Mapstraction or Google maps api V3?

I am new to mapping and have gone through the V3 API tutorial and just heard about mapstraction. I wanted to know, which would be better to learn, considering that V3 is a complete write up of the google maps api? I understand that mapstraction gives u more flexibilty but does the current version of Mapstraction take advantage of the new...

Google maps - limit panning between longitudes

Hi, I"m trying to set limits to the map view so the user won't be able to pan it cyclic. (when panning to the right, instead of the map will cycle, I want it to stop). is it possible? Ori ...

Google Maps Help - placing city name above markers

I'm using Google Maps v3. I have a lot of markers on my map, so many that it covers the city name from being visible on the underlining map. Is it possible, and how, to have the city name displayed above the markers? For example, currently, the layers look like this. Layer 1 - Map Markers (on top of map) Layer 0 - Google Map (with ci...

Google Maps map.getBounds() immediately after a call to map.fitBounds

I'm calling getBounds() directly after a call to fitBounds(), and I thought I'd get a valid bound back as the map recenters and zooms to fit the bounds. Unfortunately, getBounds() is returning nil. The code to reproduce this is as follows: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "

Switching a Map using AJAX tabs - Google Maps API

I'm trying to setup Google Maps using the Google Maps API v3 JS code. I've got multiple tabs that when clicked open up an AJAXed page of content without reloading the original page. Each tabbed content contains a map. Below is an example of how I've got the map setup. Please note, the list element here is just an example, each tab contai...

where can I get a list of or database of countries, cities of each country and state/province?

where can I get a list of or database of countries, cities of each country and state/province for ajax auto suggetstion? for free! while writing this I was thinking if it's possible via the goole map API ? ...

javascript google maps api - one one infowindow open at a time..

Hey guys, this questions relating to infowindow in the google maps API v3.. Currently I loop this function and place markers.. function addPostCode(zip, html) { geocoder.geocode( { 'address': zip}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { map.setCenter(results[0].geometry...

Loading a local .kml file using google maps?

I created a hello world program to load a local kml file (borrowed from google's docs): var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer("http://localhost:8080/kml/cta.kml"); This does not work (nothing gets loaded). However, when I change that line to: var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer("

How can i display this polygon on a Google Map?

Hi folks, I have some MultiPolygon data (The USA state of California) which I'm trying to display on a Google Map (v3 Javascript API). The link to the data is here on CodePaste.NET. (Note: I pasted it there because the data would spam this post). So I've tried to make it into some Json data .. and then display that MultiPolygon on a g...

Display in input text instead of div

I follow the instead of displaying the 'latlng' in , how do i display it in ...

Zoom and center a Google Map according to its markers (JavaScript API V3)

Hi all, I think the title is enough, I don't even see how to do this for the V2 and V1 API :/ Thanks :) ...

Google Maps API v3 Click events not passed on by custom overlays

Hi there, I've been making use of InfoBox to draw custom overlays on my GoogleMap. In short I load from XML lat longs etc, draw pins on the map, and show a custom infowindow. All good, however I wanted to use my own content instead of pins for markers (small previews of the content), so I created them using InfoBox as a map label. Then...

Radius of "viewable" region in google maps v3

I need to know how to retrieve the radius of the viewable zoom level in google maps API v3. For example, if I am at zoom level 3, and depending on the users screen size (lets just say 400x400 viewable region) how do I get the "radius" circle of the viewable area. Alternatively I'm currently using map.fitBounds() for all the points I'v...

Filtering Google Maps Markers By Category Using GeoRSS

I've got a map set up displaying markers from a geoRSS file. These markers are grouped by category. What I'd like to do is set up text links for the categories that, when clicked, hide all markers except for those in the associated group. Not sure where to start with this. ...

Mobile Phone: google maps api or native sdk - capabilities?

We have an existing website which currently uses v2 of the google maps api which displays cellphone signal strength as a ground overlay on top of the google maps tiles (similar to this What I would like to know is if it's possible to have ground/tile overlays in google maps android/iphone native api'...