
Google Maps: how to get country, state/province/region, city given a lat/long value?

I need a list of countries, states & cities based on a collection of lat/long values I have. I need to store this information in a manner that hierarchy is preserve and without duplicates (e.g. "USA" and "United States" and "United States of America" are the same country; I only want one instance of this country in my database). Is this...

How save the DirectionsResult object in Google Maps

Hello, I want to be able to plot a route in Google Maps, modify that route by dragging it, save the changes and reload it at some later time and edit it further. In the same manner as Google's MyMap. Simply saving the origin and destination locations wont work as it wont reload the same route. I can save all of the points in the via_...

Google Maps V3 custom controls problem

I have a Google map into which I add some custom tooltips using custom overlays: However, sometimes the map will work and sometimes it will appear to be "frozen". I can't drag it, I can't click any of the buttons, etc. The only clue that I've found is that, if I use setTimeout() to wait for ~ 5 seconds, things work. ...

Randomly generate a point within a country boundary polygon

I'm interested in pulling street view data at random within a country. I can only figure out how to generate a point within a bounding box. Often it pulls data from nearby nations. I'm using a GIS server right now, but I'm interested in removing it from the workflow since it's a pain. Anybody know of any javascript mapping API th...

Google Maps v3 hide elements (roads, roadsigns, etc)

I found a code snippet on [ { featureType: "administrative", elementType: "labels", stylers: [ { visibility: "off" } ] },{ featureType: "poi", elementType: "labels", stylers: [ { visibility: "off" } ] },{ featureType: "wat...

Google maps V3 custom route via given lat/lng points

Hey there, I have a GPS module in my car and it saves every 30 seconds my position and then it exports those points of the entire travel. So when I drive about 5 hours, it has about 600 waypoints stored. Now I want to show my trip in google map. One of the soulutions is to generate a .kml file and then draw a polyline inside the map. But...

Google Maps API change default map style labels

I've developed an app using the Google Maps API (V3) and I have some custom map styles defined as described here. I can add a name on this tab quite easily by giving it a 'name' in the styledMapOptions when creating it. The problem I have is that I need the default terrain map in there but with another name/label. I was thinking I could ...

google maps v3 API mouseover with polygons. Not working

I'm trying to get mouseover to work polygons in google maps api v3. I've tried the answer provided in this post: This answer should be working, but it's not for me. Can anyone spot the stick in my spokes? Here is my code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <he...

What would be Google Maps data transfer limit?

Good morning does anybody know what is the daily data transfer limit when we are not using an API key for Google Maps embedded in your website? Thanks in advance I saw google map api documentation and there is a property called : google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OVER_QUERY_LIMIT -> indicates that you are over your quota. When would I be o...

Google Maps Api v3 - find nearest markers

When i click on map, which will be best way to find nearest marker or markers? is there some functions in api that will help me to do that? it's google map api v3. ...

How to show/hide a MarkerCluster in google maps v3?

I need to have different markers for different mapTypes, and I'm pushing them to a MarkerClusterer. I "hide" the markers with: cluster.set("map", null); cluster.resetViewport(); cluster.redraw(); And "show" them with: cluster.set("map", MAP); cluster.resetViewport(); cluster.redraw(); The problem is that MarkerClusterer seems to n...

Autofill Address + Google Maps API

I want to present my users with a text box wherein they can type in their address. As they type their address, I want to provide the users with suggestions/predictions of what address they are trying to type. I'm also concerned about the relevance of this address (e.g. that the address is not an address halfway across the world). Is thi...

Region Biasing with Google Maps

My users, who may be located anywhere in the world, will be presented with a text box wherein they can enter their address. In most cases, I assume they will physically be in the same country as whatever address they are typing. I'd like to help Google Map API make better guesses by doing region biasing (

how to deal with google map inside of a hidden div (Updated picture)

i have a page and a google map is inside a hidden div at first. I then show the div after i click a link but only the top left of the map shows up. i tried having this code run after the click: map0.onResize(); or: google.maps.event.trigger(map0, 'resize') any ideas. here is an image of what i see after showing the div wit...