
Game Terrain Database Model

I am developing a game for the web. The map of this game will be a minimum of 2000km by 2000km. I want to be able to encode elevation and terrain type at some level of granularity - 100m X 100m for example. For a 2000km by 2000km map storing this information in 100m2 buckets would mean 20000 by 20000 elements or a total of 400,000,0...

QuickConnectiPhone and Google Maps (Hybrid) in terrain mode

Is there a way so show google maps in (hybrid) terrain mode with QuickConnectiPhone? Is it possible to search like usa, california, street number instead of using latitude and longitude? ...

AS3 3D terrain texture generation: Looking for intermediate/advanced ideas

Hello, all! I have been bashing away at Away3D for AS3, and have made a little terrain generator, using Perlin Noise to create a heightmap, and then for texturing, to splice together 5 images (very generic noise based water, beach, grass, rock & snow) depending on the height. Where to next? I doubt my ability to contribute directly to ...

Multiple texture images blended together onto 3D ground

How do computer games render their ground? I will be using a heightmap for geometry (though I will later optimize it) but I am wondering what the best technique is, for example, to 'paint' my ground; grass most everywhere, dirt paths here and there, gravel inside towns, and smooth transitions between each type of material. Do I just use...

Realistic 2D terrain map generation.

Hello guys. I am looking for some algorithms which allow me to generate a realistic 2D terrain map. By realistic I mean that person will consider such map as a "normal" terrain map, not created artificially. I don't want to create photorealistic map. Just something similar to maps that can be viewed in a geographical atlas. So far I a...

Where to get Terrain Data - both free and paid?

Where can you get terrain data? What resolution data can you get for free? What resolution data can you get when you buy the data? How much is that data? I found this site that has free terrain data. The resolution is 30m x 30m. Is that the best that can be found for free? ...

OpenGL: Best rendering method for terrain which texture coordinates changes in real time?

I need to render in real time rendered animations for my terrain textures; what is the best rendering method for doing this? the animation is done by adjusting the texture coordinates. I have a pre-built array for all of the animation frames texture coordinates, is there some way to make animations faster to render if you let opengl kno...

How to calculate the slope of a point on a terrain data (e.g. Digital Elevation Matrix)

I want to implement a 3D car racing game and I need to approximate the magnitude and the direction of the slope of any arbitrary point on a terrain. Terrain Data Format: - heights[ ][ ]: 2D array of floats (representing heights in meters) - unit: horizontal unit distance between (i, j) - (i, j+1) and between (i, j) - (i+1, j) in meters ...

Worms style destructible terrain

Hi, I want to prototype an idea for a game I have. The idea for this game is that the player will dig through the ground, creating tunnels and finding treasure. I'm looking to create 'worms style' terrain, with collision detection for the player wandering and jumping around the tunnels. Examples of this type of dynamic terrain can be se...

Looking for a good world map generation algorithm

I'm working on a Civilization-like game and I'm looking for a good algorithm for generating Earth-like world maps. I've experimented with a few alternatives, but haven't hit on a real winner yet. One option is to generate a heightmap using Perlin noise and add water at a level so that about 30% of the world is land. While Perlin noise (...

2d terrain generation in real time

Hey, I'm trying to create a game similar to this (Note:When you click 'play', there are SFX in the game which you can't seem to turn off, so you may want to check volume). In particular, I'm interested in knowing how the 'infinite' landscape is generated. Are there any tutorials/articles describing this? I came across procedural genera...

How to intersect a Ray with a terrain model?

Hey, I am currently designing an RTS Game in XNA. So far I have a Terrain Model generated from a Heigthmap and some Units that are drawn on it. The next step would be to give the units commands on where to move. To do that I have to calculate the exact position of the terrain behind the cursor when it's clicked. For Units selection I ...

What is the point of heightmaps?

I've been pondering this question awhile now... many 3d engines support advanced terrain rendering using quadtrees, LOD... all the features you expect. But every engine I've seen loads height data from heightmaps... grayscale bitmaps. I just can't understand how this is useful - each point in a heightmap can have one of 256 values. But w...

Fractal terrain generation problem

I'm trying to get a simple 1D fractal terrain generator to work for a 2D game. But for some reason it always either makes a hill, a valley, or a flat line, as seen in this output of the segments (x1, x2, y2): 0.0 4.0 -0.02771158460407615 4.0 8.0 -0.052252824583875854 8.0 12.0 -0.07902285133059965 12.0 16.0 -0.1055590812...

How to create a "scorched area" on a 3D terrain?

Hi all, i'm experimenting a bit with C# and XNA. Going through the advanced "Riemers tutorials" helped me a lot, but i want to make my terrain even better. I have a simple game where player controls a tank and destroys other buildings and tanks. I would like to somehow draw the effects of the explosion on the terrain. The effect i want ...

OpenGl VBO technicalities in C++

I'm a little confused as to the proper usage of VBOs in an OpenGL program. I want to create a terrain paging algorithm, using a map called from a 4096x4096 greyscale heightmap as the "whole" map. From what I've read, each vertex stored in the VBO will take up 64 bytes. The problem I have is that most sources state that a single VBO sh...

Tessellation transition

I want to implement tessellation transition from fine to coarse geometry and vice versa for terrain rendering which doesn't introduce discontinuities (cracks). Real-time performance is not required i.e. it can be view-independent. What do you think about the following proposal: ? Is it even possible? Have you implemented something si...

generated Terrain wouldn't display in directX (C# )

Greetings I genereated a terrain with this equation: H(x,y) = (abs(sin(x * y)) + abs(sin(0,2 * x) + sin(0,4 * y)) + abs(cos(0,12 * x) + cos(0,47 * y))) * e^(0.005*(x+y)) Now, this gives me a mix of featuresize, and a nice slope. This works fine, when I plot it using scilab. I tried to import this in a c# application. The terrain is ...

Box2d - Bike Game - Terrain

I'm using Box2d for a Bike Physics Game, Box2d lets you have fixtures that are convex polygons with 8 points or less, would anyone know of an easier way have a complicated concave terrain, other that just making a whole bunch of fixtures? Or is than the only way? Any ideas, pointers, suggestions... Thanks in advance! (any language is OK...

Auto Slope Generation To Connect Between Terrain and Surface

I have a terrain and a surface, the terrain is represented by a list of elements and coordinates, where as the surface is defined a list of 3D Lines. The surface can be located above, or below or half-above-half-below the terrain. The issue now is that from the edge of the surface, I would have to generate slope planes that connect to t...