
Make absolutely-positioned <div> fall below info windows on Google Maps

This image should explain my problem: I'm using version 3 of the Google Maps API (if relevant) ...

Strategy for lazy-loading markers into a Google Maps Javascript API map

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site where I want to have a Google Maps Javascript API map that shows markers loaded from my backend through AJAX. As I don't want the client to run into memory issues, I want to lazy-load the markers and apply them to Fluster2 to put them into clusters. I think the best way to lazy-load the markers is to add...

Google Map API V3.0 - How to Detect MapTypeId Change

I am using the Google Map API V3.0 To add a listener to detect a zoom change works with the following: google.maps.event.addListener(map,'zoom_changed',function()) What is the code to detect a change in the map type from ROADMAP to another view like SATELLITE? I can get the value: val myMapType = map.getMapTypeId(); but do not know...

Google Maps API v3 adding an InfoWindow to each marker

NOTE: I'm using v3 of the Google Maps API I'm trying to add an info window to each marker I put on the map. Currently I'm doing this with the following code: for (var i in tracks[racer_id].data.points) { values = tracks[racer_id].data.points[i]; point = new google.maps.LatLng(, values.lng); if (val...

Need help to convert (& improve) on a working Maps API v2 function to Maps API v3

I have a working Map function that uses a little bit of jQuery to fetch JSON data. I have been trying for hours to update the function for use with Maps 3.X API to no avail. I'm not very well versed with Javascript and I made this function sometime last year. Basically the function requires some parameters to query a url and get JSON da...

can create local search on google maps v3 ..

i can't find how to create it, i can create it on google maps v2, use : map.addControl(new google.maps.LocalSearch() but now my company use v3 now , so how to create it . thanks ...

Disable double left click on google map.

Hi, May I know how can i disable double click on google map so that the info window will not close when i double click on google map? Can it be done through google map api? Thank you. Benjamin. ...

Google maps geometry controls identify coordinates array

Hi, in this example on geometry.js page i found saveData function that save "info" to arrays and JSON data format (not working), if I alert(record.type); i get "point" or "polilyne" according th object i've clicked, if i alert record.title output the title very right, but when i alert record.coordinates the output is undifined... i jus...

Google Maps. Сomplex markers.

I use Google Maps JavaScript Version 3 and JQuery. How do I create a complex marker similar to these: or Label and image separate: Please excuse my funny English. ...

How to change markers on zoom change in google map api

Hi I have this map I'd like to change the marker image, when zoom is greater then 5. I know how to detect zoom change, but I don't see how to change the image. ...

Force stop map dragging

Hello ! I am working with Google Maps right now and I want to be able to disallow user dragging map out of specified boundaries. var strictBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds( new google.maps.LatLng(49.00, 14.07), new google.maps.LatLng(54.50, 24.09) ); What should I do ? I tried to use drag event but with no luck.. google...

Issues with dynamic google maps integration

I have ran into a very strange issue with Google Maps in Chrome 5.0.375.99: if you dynamically create more than one Maps instance, the second and on have a strange bug where it does not display properly, is only shows in a fraction of the map space. Some Example Pages: one default - When you click addOne, the new object has the problem...

Using google street view with a marker, how do I point the POV at a marker?

I have a simple street view working to show me a street view given an address: var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var address = "344 Laguna Dr, Milpitas, CA 95035"; geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) { //alert (results); if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { //al...

Google Maps Api v3 trigger issue, external link hit info window

So my code looks like this, multiple markers: var m1 = new google.maps.Marker( new google.maps.LatLng(35.2602340, -93.7939480), {icon:tinyIcon,bouncy:1} ); google.maps.Event.addListener(m1, "click", function() { m1.openInfoWindowHtml( '1<br />test,TX' ); }); map.addOverlay(m1); var m2 = new google.maps.Marker( ...

Google Geocoding API - REQUEST_DENIED

Hi, Apparently I do not need a 'Maps API key' to use the 'Google Geocoding API' according to: However, I obtain this: { "status": "REQUEST_DENIED", "results": [ ] } Does this mean that my IP is blocked? What can I do to overcome this? Thanks. Christian ...

Problems calling fitbounds outside jquery.each()

Hi, im working on a Google Map in javascript(v3). I need to show some markers from XML, for wich i use Jquery. heres the object and function, might save me time explaining: var VX = { map:null, bounds:null } VX.placeMarkers = function(filename) { $.get(filename, function(xml) { $(xml).find("marker").each(functio...

How to check if an infoWindow is set and on the map?

Hi! Is there a way to check first if a infoWindow is set and on the map before use marker.infowindow.close(); if this isn't set and not on the map, the script don't work? I was thinking of an if statement to check before close? Thanks! ...

Google Maps marker grouping

I'm trying to achieve the following thing: Have different types of markers on my map for example, schools, libraries, bus stops and I want to be able to show/hide each group of markers. I have been searching google for a while but nothing came up :/ Any ideas how this can be achieved ? ...

Can't add Google Maps DOM listener to element created using jQuery

I have the following script that creates a div, adds a Google Maps DOM listener, and appends it to another div to another div using JavaScript's built-in DOM manipulation methods: var div = document.createElement('div'); var html = '<b>' + string_of_text + '</b>'; div.innerHTML = html; google.maps.event.addDomListener(div, 'click', func...

Google Maps API V3 fitbounds() zooms out but never in

I've created a quite complex store locator of sorts. The user enters their zip and a table returns results with corresponding markers on a map. They can page through results and the markers move further and further out and the fitbounds() function works great for zoom out to the appropriate zoom level to fit the markers. The problem is t...