
Show count of all google map markers

Is there any easy way using the api to get a count of all markers on a map? I have a page similar to this where a user can add markers by clicking on the map. I'd also like to show a count of all the markers. I could do this by declaring a global count var and incrementing it i...

How to add labels on Google Maps Pinpoints?

Creating a google map with store locations within 50 miles of user entered address. Have map & pinpoints showing correctly but all of the pinpoints just have a dot on them. I'd like to be able to label them A, B, C, D, etc so that I can list out locations & addresses in sidebar. How would I do this? Here's the code I'm using to add my ...

Placing an embedded google map marker with Selenium

I have an website which as part of a wizard uses an embedded google map to select a location by clicking on the map to place a marker. How do I automate this with Selenium? In particular I've tried: ClickAt DoubleClickAt MouseDownAt MouseUpAt In all cases passing the map div id as the locator and "100,100" as the coordin...

google maps v3 marker mouseover tooltip

Hello, I want to put a tooltip made myself with divs when the mouse is over a marker, but I don't know how to get the screen position to put the div on the correct position, here is my code: google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "mouseover", function() { divover.css("left", marker.get("left")); divover.css("top",...

Need help writing jQuery to loop through table and inject markers into google map?

I am new to jQuery. I've done some simple things with it but what I am attempting now is a over my head and I need some help. I am building a locator for all the firearms dealers in the US for a client. I am working within Drupal. I have a proximity search by zip-code that works great. If you search by zip a list of paginated results sh...

set zoom level when marker is removed

using javascript google-maps api I currently have it setup to remove a maker I set it up when I am adding a location like so function addLocation(map,location) { var point = new GLatLng(, location.lon); var marker = new GMarker(point); map.addOverlay(marker); bounds.extend(marker.getPoint()); ...

Google Maps API

I am building a twitter, google maps mash-up. I am trying add user's twitter profile picture to the map as a custom marker, I know how to add custom markers from images but was wondering if there was any easy way of adding a different image for every marker. ...

How to add local roadmap to Google map

I live in rural areas, my town doesn't had roads in google maps. How can I add my own or create it. Where to start? ...

Toggling on/off Markers in Google Maps API v3

I'm having trouble getting the setMap(null); function that everyone seems to be recommending to work. I believe it may be a problem with the way I've implemented the markers. If someone could take a look and let me know if you see something wrong I'd greatly appreciate it. LINK: ...

How can I drag a DOM object(image) (which is outside of ) into a map then create a marker there?

Hi, I just want to add some kind of markers which are listed beside map, then user can drag them in to map. I tried to use GEvent.addDomListener(domObj, "drag",functName); but it didn't works. Is there any way to do that? Thanks Dau ...

Google maps API V3 code to V2 help.

I've started working on a project to inject markers into a map with jQuery by looping through rows on a table in the page. After getting it working I realized that I was accessing the V3 API and using V3 syntax. I've been beating my head against a wall trying to get this working in google maps API V2. If someone could please take a look ...

List All Google Map Marker Images

Do you often use image marker from google or copy it to your server? Where I can get all images list of available markers from google? The list of images such as : ...

Dynamic Overlays slowing down Google Maps (Android 2.1) on Nexus One

Hi, I'm trying to create a dynamic ItemizedOverylay (please see the code below) on Google Maps (Android 2.1) on a Nexus One. In my Activity (that extends MapActivity) I'm creating a data thread that is receiving data from the network. A 'handler' is used to communicate the data from the receiving thread to map activity. This data co...

Click GEvent.addListener with jquery

Created a google map with GMap2 and put pinpoints on there that open up a balloon with the address when the pinpoint is clicked. I would like users to be able to click text on the page itself and use jquery to open up the corresponding balloon. However I can't figure out the ID to use to call a jquery click event. Basically I've got a ...

Efficient Map Overlays in on Android Google Map...

Hi Friends, I want to do the following and am kind of stuck on these for a few days.... 1) I was trying to draw poly lines ( I have encoded polylines, but have managed to decoded those) that move when I move the map.....(the only solution that I found was for Geopoints to be transformed into screen co-ordinates...which wont move if I m...

Multiple infowindows - tearing my hair out

Ok, I'll admit I'm nowhere near the best programmer on the planet - and I'm used to the answer staring me right in the face but not making sense of it. Problem I need to display multiple markers on a map, each with their own infowindow. I have created the individual markers without a problem, but don't know how to create the infowindow...

infoWindow on MarkerClusterer in google maps

I need infoWindow to be opened instead of zooming in map, when clicking on the ClusterMarker. I am using Gmaps util library MarkerClusterer for creating cluster of markers. I tried changing following line in markerclusterer.js ClusterMarker_.prototype = new GOverlay(); with ClusterMarker_.prototype = new GMarker(); so that I can get...

Google maps: place number in marker?

How can I display a number in the marker on a google map? I want to do server side clustering and I need to display how many points the cluster represents. ...

Removing google mail markers with jquery after getting them from xml

Hi there, I'm trying to create a page that contains a google map. The map is filled with markers from an xml file. I just can't figure out how to remove "old" markers, that don't match the latest user input. At the moment my js stops after the very first xml item. The clearList.push(marker); is supposed to put the generated marker awa...

How to get all visible markers on current zoom level

Here are some points: 1) I have some markers on the map and records associated with it on the right panel besides the map. They are connected via numeric id, which is stored as a property of marker. 2) All the markers are stored in an array. 3) When the user zooms in the map, records, associated to only visible markers should be shown on...