
jquery openInfoWindowHtml transparancy issue ( ie8 )

I've got a weird problem with the openInfoWindowHtml() method using gmap. It's a bit difficult to explain so i'll provide an image. As you can see the balloon and its content are correctly drawn. However the corners have become completely transparent and so have parts of the balloons shadow ...

Adding pin points to google map with static list of street addresses

I have a spreadsheet full of street addresses and I want to add them as pin points on a google map. Can anybody tell me if they must be converted to a geo-code to work with the google maps API? And if so, is there a tool that will output a list of addresses in a way where I can just plug it into some javascript and have it good to go? ...

How do I get the HTML of a Google maps marker?

How get HTML element from Google maps marker (v3)? <div style="overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; position: absolute; background-image: url(...); top: 62px; width: 70px; height: 70px; background-size: ; left: 924px; z-index: 97; opacity: 0,01; cursor: pointer; background-position: 0px -420px; background-repeat: no-repeat no-repeat...

Rich makers for Google Maps V3

Hi, Is there any implementation of markers who allow the combinaison of those functionnalities : html content like gmaps-v3-label-marker ( work with clusterer ( Based on marker and...

How to load only markers that's currently visible on the screen (Google maps on Android)

Hi, Using Google Maps on Android does anyone have any ideas on how to load only markers that would be displayed on the current screen? I'm thinking about sending a request to a web service that returns the lat/lng for the relevant markers. But what would the parameters be that I could use to calculate if a given lat/lng is within the s...

Google Maps API v3: Is there a callback or event listener for a setMap() event?

I am using Google Maps API v3 on a website I am developing. I have a drop-down box beneath my map which allows the user to switch between different sets of markers to be displayed on the map. Each marker is displayed using marker.setMap(). My problem is that the map sometimes takes a long time to display the new markers, especially in I...

Loading google maps markers faster dynamically

I'm trying to generate a Google Map based off of results from a database. I can get the addresses geocoded and put out on the map, but I'm not able to do it very quickly. I have a setTimeout function to help with loading the markers; if i do not include it then not all of the markers will load. Is there any way for me to push out the m...

Scale Map Markers by Zoom, Android

Hi, I have lot of markers on my map. Zooming in each marker shows me a position. but zooming out the markers are overlapping each other and it is more difficult do determine the position of a marker. Is there a way to scale the marker image depending on the zoom factor? ...

Map Marker Management, Android

Hi, I have a map that dispays markers. If the user clicks on a marker a popup shows up. A method calculates wheather there is a marker at the clicked position. My Problem is that I have a lot of different markers, but in this method I can handle only one specific marker. I need something like a general bitmap, that holds all marker re...

how to insert some markers (json format ) to map using google maps v3 .

i follow this article i find can use kmllayer to insert kml or georss , like this : var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(49.496675,-102.65625); var myOptions = { zoom: 4, center: myLatlng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions); var georssLaye...

Add numbering label to google map marker

May I know how to add numbering label to google map marker using google map api? Just add label, not trying to change the icon. Thank you. ...

Google Maps - red dots?

How do I implement the red dots as seen on the Google Map linked below: Red Dots UPDATE I'm using Google Maps version 3 (not 2) UPDATE 2 I found the following Presentation by Google talking about what I want to do. It's slide 27, called "Tiny Clickable Markers". However, t...

Can the opacity of a Google Maps GInfoWindow or GMarker be changed separately from the maps opacity?

I've built a Google Map window that uses two tile layers. The opacity of each layer can be adjusted dynamically using javascript. When I adjust the opacity of a tile layer, all child controls including GMarkers and GInfoWindows inherit the opacity setting. Is there any way to ensure that the Markers and InfoWindows are always visible reg...

Google Maps API: positioning, some weird behavior and how to disable a couple of features

I've been working on creating this map for a client, but I feel a little bit in over my head. So far, I've managed to use modx to dynamically create a list of markers for the map, created a custom icon that works successfully and I've got it styled as I'd like it. However, I'm looking for a bit of help about the following: The custom ...

Google Map Advanced Clustering

Hi, im looking for multi color marker with clustering like sample the website above. i found google api sample for single color marker with clustering concept. Anyone have any sample or any website plz post here. Thanks, Nithish ...

Which is the best google map component for Joomla 1.5?

I'm looking for a component which can create custom marker. ...

Google Maps Alternative (or solution to Timeout Issue)

I have about 5,000 coordinate points (longitude & latitude) & I have been using the google maps API to create static images of these points. Only about 25% of the markers show up for some reason. It doesn't matter how much I refresh the data; google maps just does not display it. Does anyone know how to fix this, or can someone sugge...

How can I automatically plot markers for addresses on a Google or OpenStreetMap?

I have a list of UK addresses and would like to plot them on a google or openstreetmap (I dont mind which). Is there a way to render a batch of addresses on a map with dots to represent the location (rather then the standard marker). To make things slightly more complex, I would like to change the colour and size of some markers. The...

how to create an custom android maps marker?

I want to create a mapview marker with 4 elements: - picture (of user) - background - text (username) - Arrow to show an direction OverlayItem.setMarker() accept only a drawable. How can I create an drawable with 4 Items? Or can i add an View as marker to overlayItem? any ideas? ...

Database and Google maps results

Hi, I need to search hotels from my db and show them in Google Maps. For instance, when I search hotels in Rome, it will be display ONLY the hotels in Rome (or near, how this ?!) and in my db. I need to show also the results navigator page. How can i do this ? My db has 800 rows, so if I load all data in maps I get many errors. I use PH...