
Android app using Google Maps library, installable everywhere

Is it possible to use Google Maps Android library in my app in a way, that the app can be installed even on phones without Google Maps? On phones without Google Maps, the maps feature would be disabled. ...

How/Where can I read a value to tell when my Google Maps API V3 map has completed rendering?

I have a Google Map that is created using the newer Google Maps API V3 from a Perl script. The script builds the map from values passed to it from hidden form fields in the parent page, and returns the map into an iframe in the same parent page. The reason that the map is in the iframe, is because I have discovered browser issues both w...

Please help with Google map API3!

Hello! I have the problem about geocoder! I have 20 address and my map shows me only 11 points! I know about “delay” and “setTimeout”, but I don’t know how use it. I found answer about it on this page - Where wrote about setTimeout (Call the ...

Dynamic jquery code - any way to include it in a file?

So i have been developing and testing with jquery inline. I am using CodeIgniter - the below refers to my views. I have <script="text/javascript">JQUERY CODE</script> at the top of my page. Some of my code is dynamic in that it uses PHP vars. E.G when making an ajax call, the URL is preceeded by <?php echo base_url();?> So now I have g...

google map error in ie.

down vote favorite Hi, I'm getting this error: Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Timestamp: Sun, 12 Sep 2010 18:52:29 UTC Message: Invalid argument. Line: 236 Char: 18 Code: 0 this url o...

MapView with maps that have the same resolution as Google Maps

If you compare how the map looks in MapView and how it looks in Google Maps, you'll notice that in Google Maps the map is "bigger". The texts are bigger, roads wider etc. Can I achieve this in my MapView? ...

Android: Creating navigable paths on a park in Google Maps

I am trying to create an android app that would allow any user the navigation of a set of 5 statues located in a park. However, the park itself does not have any navigable roads or paths on the Google Maps API. So, I need to create certain roads(walkable trails) within the park to each and every statue so that when a user who is at the p...

GoogleMap Android Box Status draw

Does android Google API Map has a way to add some kind of Status Box like in this pict Or must i write my own??? if that the case whats the best way to procede?? ...

Can I implement Google maps or another mapping API on my site?

9.1 Free, Public Accessibility to Your Maps API Implementation. Your Maps API Implementation must be generally accessible to users without charge. You may require users to log in to your Maps API Implementation if you do not require users to pay a fee.not require users to pay a fee. I write a web portal and sell it. The co...

Getting MULTIPLE distances with google maps

So.. I have 10 latitude/longitude values in a database. Using the V3 JS API i plot these on a map. I then have an 11th point which is 'users current location' I want to find the distance between the user location and each of the other points. I have created a javascript which does this - essentially, it gets the lat/long, plots the ...

Google maps slow loading. Over a minute to load markers.

Hello, I am only showing a certain number of markers at a time (i.e. 5 out of 10, the other 5 will appear depending on where the user pans). When the user pans the map to where other markers are supposed to appear it takes 60-70 seconds for them to appear!! ...

Dynamically populated google maps sidebar

Hi, I've been using the code from this V3 example to set up a links bar that dynamically populates when different category filters are selected, but have two problems at the moment. Firstly, I've put the the initial makeSidebar function in the map's idle event, but the sidebar is only created when the map is moved, not on loading of the...

Google Maps API not centering the Marker

I have Google Maps on a website that sets the marker based on an address. Here's an example (click the location tab): As you can see there is no marker on the map. But if you scroll upwards the marker is sitting just out of view. Is there something wrong wit...

Gmap API V3 marker coordinates

I have found example if someone need however I need to get first coordinates from address so later can adjust it. Someone knows how to do it? var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); function geocodePosition(pos) { geocoder.geocode({ latLng: pos }, function(responses) { if (responses && responses....

how to control zooming out in google maps

how to control zooming out in google maps. I just need no zooming out ...

Postcode Search to Nearest Marker Google Maps API

Hi Guys - I am developing a map for a client which uses AJAX and PHP/MySQL to plot markers on a Google Map. I need to be able to add an input field of some sort above the map - the user searches there postcode and the map automatically zooms in to the nearest points depending on the postcode. I have searched and crawled the web for many...

How to load kml file in Google Maps using code?

How to load kml file in Google Map using code? (C#, javascript, .Net) ...

Map markers in MapView - scale them in the zoom animation

When the user zooms my MapView, I want the my markers (OverlayItems) to zoom too (during the animation!). After the animation they would return to normal size. This is how markers behave in Google Maps. In MapView, OverlayItems in ItemizedOverlay have always the same size even during the zoom animaion, which looks odd. ...

Show popup above map marker in MapView

I can't beleive there's no easy way to do such a basic thing like this... I want to show a popup/baloon (a LinearLayout) after user clicks on a map marker (something smilar to what is in Google Maps app). It should move with the map, when the user scrolls the map. What is the best way to do this? One idea is to have the LinearLayout in ...

Google Maps curl animation in MKMapView / Map Kit on iOS4

Hi folks.. Anyone know whether (and if so, how) we can create the half-turned page effect Google Maps on the iPad uses to show the options to change the Map type?.. See below image to see what I'm talkin' about.. Incidentally, any pretty good Map Kit tutoria...